~:Chapter 47:~

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"Holy... fuck..." was the only thing Claire managed to vocalize through her agape mouth. Her stomach turned, making her feel like she was going to vomit the minimal contents she had in her stomach out onto the theatre carpeting. Yet, as much as it horrified her, she felt her eyes were locked on the intricate details of the horrific sight she was looking at while chilling classical music emitting from somewhere in the room chilled her to her core.

"A-Ah..." Jake sputtered out; he, too, was in complete shock.

Lined up on the stage in an arc were numerous glass boxes. Each is filled with a terrifying sculpture of human remains, twisted and torn in rough shapes. Organs and body parts were suspended by strings and stuck on sticks while heads with horrified faces sat as the centerpiece of their bloody display.

Claire's eyes flickered from the body to body, seeing torn open ribcages plated in the cold body parts hung up from wire that suspended them like they were stuck in a spider web. A body's parts are entirely rearranged and shaped into a floral-like shape. To say it was disgusting and horrifying was a complete understatement. Claire knew at that moment that this was the most traumatic sight she would ever bare witness if she somehow managed to survive this sick game.

Finally, her eyes stopped at the right-most case, feeling a horrific realization wash over her as she recognized the body's features.

"ADAM!!!!!!!!" Amelia shrieked so loud it nearly shook the room. "ADAM... NO!" She screamed, her voice filled with so much anguish it hurt Claire to listen to. She watched as Amelia sprinted forward, running towards the stage as fast as she could as she practically threw herself on the stage, racing over to the box. Claire slowly followed behind her. She couldn't help but keep her eyes locked on the mangled corpse of Adam as she walked.

Adam was twisted into a grim spiral.

She rapidly blinked, preventing herself from sobbing. On the other hand, Amelia crumbled on her hands and knees in front of the box, frantically sobbing as she banged on the floor.

"WHY... WHY..." She screamed. "IT'S ALL MY FAULT," Amelia shouted through the sobs.

Claire stood at the base of the stage, feeling a lump in her throat, so much so that she could barely breathe. She felt so many intense emotions wash over her as the regret, despair; sadness came crashing into her like a tidal wave. She felt dizzy, like the world around her was spinning. At that moment, it was hard to breathe.  The world around her turned so fast that it sucked the air straight from her lungs. 

"It's all your fault."

"You could have saved him."

"You weren't fast enough."

All these intrusive thoughts broke into her head. She shook her head, wanting to tell them no, that it wasn't, but no sound would come out. She could feel her breath hitch as her eyes became glossy, like she was on the verge of a breakthrough.

At that moment, she felt a touch on her shoulder, snapping her out of her thoughts. She glanced over her shoulder to see Jake behind her, placing a hand on her.

"I know how you're feeling." He whispered into her ear. "It's not your fault. None of it is." He said to her. Immediately, Claire felt herself tearing up as she tried to blink. She opened her mouth to reply but couldn't manage to get any sort of word out, so, as a response, she nodded. "It's best if we leave her alone for now." He said, glancing over at Amelia.  The girl sobbed into the stage floor, howling like a screaming animal. Each scream filled the room with a hauntingly grief-stricken sound, enough to send shivers down the spine of anyone unfortunate enough to listen. 

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