~:Chapter 9:~

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"How many am I supposed to learn all of this!? I don't understand!" Yuki pleaded with her father, who stood unbothered at her words.

"Honey, please. Maybe we should at least talk to the school about it?"

"No." He said.

"Why not!?" Yuki fired back at him. "You made me go to this stupid school in the first place!" She screamed at him, unleashing all of the frustrations and anger that slowly built up. She knew there was no going back on what she would say to him, but she didn't care. Her emotions were again taking control of her, making her feel like a puppet to her anger.

"B-but honey, I thought you liked it?" Her mother spoke up with a concerned look on her face.

"I do... It's just... I'm starting to like it less." She sighed in response. What she was saying wasn't clouded by anger; it was true. She did like the school; hell, she thought it was beautiful. She enjoyed her classes, along with the material she was learning. But, the things she had gone through over the last two days had put a sour taste in her mouth regarding the school. 

"I don't care. You will go to the school, and you will like it." Her father demanded. Then she remembered. Most of it would've been fine had it not been for her father, whom she blamed him for.

"It would've been fine if you didn't lie to me!" She yelled back, immediately watching her father's expression shift to pure anger. Her mother, on the other hand, looked on in confusion.

"Lie?" Her mother raised an eyebrow. "Honey... What lie?"

"You shut your mouth, Yuki Aki." Her father grasped her by the wrist, glaring daggers directly. "You will take that test, and you will do well. You hear me?"

"B-but!" Yuki attempted to respond.

"You learned everything for the entrance exam, did you not?" Her father glared at her.

"That was different!" Yuki pleaded.

"YES OR NO. DID YOU OR DID YOU NOT." He screamed at her while her mother watched in concerned confusion behind him. Her father had taken on new energy, something more terrifying. Yuki immediately knew that she had pushed too far.

"Y-yes." Yuki sighed.

"Then there should be no reason you can't learn everything for this test. I'd suggest starting to study now."

"B-but!" Once again, Yuki tried to plead, only to be shot down by her father's growing rage. 

"Go to your room! Now. You will learn everything for this test, and you WILL do well." He screamed at her. She responded before turning on her heels and stomping through the house up the stairs, angrily slamming the door behind her and jumping face down into her bed.

* * * 

Yuki sat on her bed, spacing out and reminiscing about her and her father's fight earlier on instead of studying the material in the book. It wasn't that she didn't want to learn; she did; it's just the way the book was written was so wordy it simply went in one of her ears and out of the other. She couldn't figure out what she needed to know based on that book alone. It was filled with so much information that she didn't think it was realistic even to memorize it.

Sure, she had learned numerous concepts in preparations for the entrance exam, but that had an outline. This didn't. She was in the dark when it came to knowing what she needed to do well on the exam. She sighed. Hopefully, it wouldn't be as hard as she thought?

A knock on her door burst her out of her thoughts, and she stared at it, deep down afraid that it would be her father coming to yell at her once more. He was a stubborn man who wouldn't let things go easily if they impacted him, and she figured the fight she had with him earlier would be a prime example. Of course, she loved her father; she just didn't love his flaws, which he had many. She sighed, expecting the worst. She was only relieved when her mother peeked her head into Yuki's room.

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