~:Chapter 7:~

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"Ms. Aki, I'd like to talk to you about something." Ms. Owens said with a sudden sternness in her voice, confusing Yuki as to what it would be. It was the tone that you'd associate with getting in trouble, but Yuki didn't think she did anything wrong? No, she didn't, and she wasn't even sure why she was questioning that in the first place because she knew she hadn't done anything to get in trouble. Maybe she was just overthinking it?

"Yes?" Yuki approached her teacher's desk with a sudden sense of anxiousness. Ms. Owens looked her over before sighing, shuffling the papers. 

"The truth is, Ms. Aki, I'm concerned for your wellbeing. I can see that you have been struggling in class, especially with the math portions." Ms. Owens explained. Yuki could only stare at her. Was this a joke? Yuki was doing fine, for the most part. She had done all the homework and self-taught herself all of the problems; it was just for today's one problem. Was that enough for Ms. Owens to consider her struggling?

"Oh! I'm wonderful. Thank you for your concern, though. I just misunderstood that one problem, that's all." Yuki smiled at her. Instead, Ms. Owens shook her head.

"Ms. Aki, that was a relatively easy problem compared to the semester placement test in two weeks. If you tend to misunderstand problems, I fear how you will do on the test." Ms. Owens said. Yuki felt her fake smile fade away. What did Ms. Owens just say?

"Placement test...?" Yuki stared at her, puzzled.

"You haven't heard? The end-of-semester placement test is a massive indicator of your grade. Since you're a new student who joined us late... I'm afraid it may take up your grade almost entirely." Ms. Owens said.

"W-what?!" Yuki gasped. "But I just took a placement test?! How does that make any sense?"

"Ms. Aki, everyone has to take a placement test. This is why we don't have very many end-of-semester transfers." 

"What about the rest of the information we covered?"

"What about it, Ms. Aki?" Ms. Owens stared at her. "You've been learning it all, correct?"

"I have no clue what we learned? How exactly was I supposed to do that?! How am I supposed to learn an entire semester's worth of material in two weeks? Why was I not made aware of this?" She could feel herself becoming upset again, raising her voice and bombarding Ms. Owens with questions.

"Do not raise your voice at me, Ms. Aki." Ms. Owens slammed her hands down on her desk. "It is called responsibility, which you lack. If I were you, I would immediately begin studying. If you want to keep your place here, you have to earn it." Ms. Owens stared at her with a glare fueled by anger. Yuki felt disrespected. She felt lied to and disrespected. She always told herself to remain respectful, yet, at this moment, she didn't care. She didn't even think of it. It flew right out the window as soon as she felt disrespected by her teacher.

"But-" Yuki was quick to respond but silenced by Ms. Owens.

"No buts, If you have an issue, take it up with the student services office. Not me. Now, Good day, Ms. Aki." Ms. Owens stood up as Yuki opened her mouth to say something but realized that there was no point even if she did plead. She grunted and walked out into the hallway, where a concerned Rebecca watched as she marched down the hall. Visibly seething.

"Stupid goddamn school. Stupid goddamn tests." She muttered to herself.

"Yuki...?" Rebecca called after her.

"Fuck this school." Yuki hissed, even catching herself off guard by her sudden profanity. 

"Yuki... What's wrong?" Rebecca looked at her with concern, wondering what had happened back in the classroom. Yuki spun around, ready to unleash her fury in a mindless ramble.

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