~:Chapter 57:~

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"Shit!" Claire hissed.

"The gun! Yuki." Jake hissed in a hushed whisper. She looked down, nearly forgetting about the loaded weapon she had just casually fit into her pocket.

Yuki grasped the gun and held it towards the door with a nervous trembling hand. She had never shot before, yet, at that moment, her lack of experience wasn't what worried her. Instead, it was what she'd be shooting at.

As the banging intensified, Yuki couldn't help but flashback to Catherine.  If Yuki missed like her, it would be all over. She could see it now, Jake trying to lunge at whatever threat they were going to face, only to be brutally gunned down by it after Yuki missed her shot. She gulped, feeling herself tremble as beads of sweat formed on her forehead in anticipation of what was to come. She took a deep breath and steadied herself mere seconds before the door was forced open.

"Wait! Don't-" A voice called out, yet, it was too late. Yuki squinted her eyes as she fired, not wanting to see the damage she'd be doing. The gun recoiled harder than she expected, nearly making her lose her grip on the handgun as she stepped backward, trying to regain her balance as her ears were still ringing from the gunshot. Once they finally subsided, she opened her eyes to stare at not one but a group of people in front of her.

"Shoot..." Amelia muttered, her eyes widened.

"A-Amelia?!" Yuki's eyes widened, watching as a singular figure fell to the ground.

"S-Shit!" Eric hissed.

"N-No!" Catherine gasped.

Yuki looked at the damage she caused, feeling her eyes widenening in complete fear and confusion. It was too much for her to take in at once. Why were Amelia, Eric, and Catherine here? There was no way! They were locked in a room last time she checked. Did she see things? Did she even shoot anyone in the first place? Yet, she still stared at the group. Eric, Catherine, and Amelia all stood perfectly still in the doorway, yet, for some strange reason, their gazes all looked down on the floor with horrified looks on them.

"W-What?" Claire sputtered out from behind her. "Amelia?! Eric?! Catherine? You guys are okay!" She exclaimed.

"But... how?" Jake sputtered out of complete disbelief at the people standing right before him.

Yuki felt her gaze slowly lower onto the floor, seeing a body. Yet, strangely enough, it was someone she didn't recognize.

"That suit..." Jake muttered, his original question already being forgotten about as he noticed something else important.

"W-What...?" Was all Yuki sputtered out? She was still completely shocked over the fact that she had just killed someone, yet, her mind was so scattered like there was so much going on she could barely comprehend what was happening. Her legs wiggled as she fell to her knees, taking in deep breaths to calm her incoming panic as she stared at the corpse of someone she didn't recognize. Who was it? Why was it there? Why were their friends there? Why were they with who Yuki just killed? All these questions circled her mind, making her head hurt as it felt like the world was spinning around her.

"Who...?" Jake muttered. "Who is that...?"

Yuki looked up at the group.

"It's a long story..." Catherine sighed. "Looks like now it doesn't have a happy ending." She grunted. "Thanks to someone..." She crossed her arms.

"Leave her alone." Amelia scolded her; she stepped over the corpse of whoever it was and walked towards Yuki, kneeling as she put an arm around her. "It's okay..." She whispered in her ear. The words entered yet didn't process in her confused mind. All she could do was blankly stare.

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