~:Chapter 50:~

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"I can do this. I can do this." Tyler told himself as he paced back and forth. Each step shot pain through his body that he had strangely grown accustomed to. At this point, he barely felt it. The pain was no match for the raging fear that coursed through his body and, surprisingly, a sense of determination. This was not the end of his story. Not yet. He was going to be a survivor during the curtain call.

"I can do this." He whispered, reaching towards the locked doorknob again, then pulling away. "Dammit." He hissed in frustration at his fear. He knew he couldn't stay here forever. He was still bleeding heavily if he didn't get some medical supplies in the other room. He'd surely bleed out. The thought of that fueled his determination. He just hoped they were in the same place as the medicine.

"Okay..." He grunted, gripping the small pair of office scissors he had grabbed from the desk in his hand. He squinted his eyes shut, taking a deep breath. He unlocked the doorknob softly, twisting the doorknob as he opened it a crack, peeking outside of the room. When he saw the coast was clear, he slowly emerged from the agar door, glancing down both sides of the hall.

Strangely enough. It was hushed aside from the fluorescent hum of lights in the hallway. He immediately took this as the coast was clear, hobbling across the hallway into one of the many rooms, quickly shutting the door behind him and locking it.

He stood against the door as he panted, calming his pounding heartbeat. Even though he walked across the hallway, he felt like he had just run a mile. Immediately after catching his breath, he wasted no time locating the medical kit.

"S-Shit..." He looked down at his bloody wounds. He set the kit down, opening it wide as he rummaged around in it for any bandage, which he found quickly. He wasted no time getting to work, wrapping the bandage around his bloody wound. He gulped at the sight of the bandages slowly turning crimson. The red shape was slowly growing in size.

"D-Dammit!" He grunted. "P-Please... work..." 

"I'm fine. It's all fine. Everything is fine." He whispered, desperately trying to convince himself, although he knew he wasn't very convincing or truthful. Nothing was fine. Everything was going wrong. He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down, but nothing seemed to work. He squinted his eyes, taking in deep breaths, feeling relieved as his heartbeat slowly subsided.

"O-okay... now the medicine." He whispered, turning to the many medicine cabinets lined the wall, each filled to the brim with different colored bottles. His eyes scanned from cabinet to cabinet, hoping to magically find any indication of whether it was the medicine he was looking for.

"Shit." He hissed.

"U-Uh..." He whispered, approaching the cabinet and opening it wide, emptying the contents bottle by bottle as he read each label with his shaky hand. He grunted, tossing the eighth bottle aside, knowing he couldn't keep searching this way. He paused.

"T-The file..." He grunted in frustration. "S-Shit!" He hissed, realizing he had left it back in the office. He immediately stood up, racing over to the door as his heart beat wildly in his chest as placed his hand on the locked doorknob. He couldn't believe he was doing this again; hell, the only reason he was doing something so foolishly dangerous was because of Lucas. He grunted, hoping he wouldn't regret it as he faced a wave of determination, twisting the doorknob and peeking outside through a crack in the door. He had completely forgotten about the medical scissors that lay next to the available med kit on the ground as something at the end of the hallway near the lobby caught his gaze.

Black shoes attached to baggy bright green pants were partially visible in the opened doorway leading to the lobby. The rest of the person, at least, that's what Tyler assumed it was, was obscured by a wall. The shoes had their toes pointing upwards like someone was lying on their back.

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