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you were round the walton's house hanging out with jayla, javon, kylee and jaden - your best friend and crush.


"guys you think we should go live" jayla

"YES" all of us said at the same time

"woah okay." she said

"alright we're live"

"hey guys, ask us some questions" i said smiling

"is javon dating anyone?" jayla read out looking over at javon.

"no i'm single."

"are you and kylee dating?"

"me and jayla aren't dating guys" kylee chuckled

"are y/n and jaden dating" javon read out. this question always came up a lot since me and jaden were bestfriends and have been glued to eachother since 1st grade.

"no we're not" i said

"but i wish we were" jaden mumbled

"HUH" i said turning my head around, truth was i had a big fat ass crush on jaden.

"what? i didn't say anything" jaden smirked as everyone looked at me like i was crazy.

"i'm gonna go to the bathroom..." i said as i stumbled out.

once i'd got out the door i ran to the bathroom to comprehend what just happened. i was sitting on the toilet still thinking about what happened until a knock interrupted me.

"yo y/n you good in there?" jadens voice came from the other side of the door

"oh yeah! i'm fine, i'm just- um" i said panicking trying to find an excuse so he didn't think i was taking a big shit or something

"fixing my mascara!"

"oh can i come in?"

"uhm no need im done" i said coming out the bathroom and walking straight back to jaylas room before he could say anything.

"y/n what took you so long, we're gonna go get boba." javon said

"sorry i was fixing my makeup" i said tryna act normal

"alright, well cmon and you jaden!"

i sighed and followed him down the stairs.

"y/n are you okay?" jaden asked with a smug look on his face.

"uh yeah i'm fine, why?" i said getting in the car, whilst the others chatted among themselves to the live.

"you seemed pretty flustered ever since that question"

"i dont know what you mean." i denied

"whatever you say."

i just rolled my eyes and went on my phone.


we finally arrived at the boba shop after what felt like the longest car ride of my life.

"you guys coming?" kylee asked me and jaden.

"no im staying here."

"same." jaden said

"alright, you guys better not get up to anything, if you know what i mean👀" jayla said smirking making javon laugh as they walked away.

"what the fuck no!" i shouted lauging

jaden just smiled.


"y/n, i need to tell you something"

"what's up?" i said looking up from my phone

"i like you" jaden almost whispered but still loud enough for me to hear it

i sat there in shock.

"seriously?" i said


"i like you t-" before i could even finish me sentence jaden places his lips on mine. this kiss getting more passionate by the second. that was until the car door opened. me and jaden quickly pulled away.

"I KNEW YOU GUYS HAD SOMETHING GOING ON" jayla almost screamed

i just sat there shocked. was i dreaming?

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