(8) Letters

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YN pov

The next morning I woke up early so that I could remove the chair to make it less suspicious when Douma came to get me.

I layed back down in my bed and pretended to still be asleep. After waiting a while Douma came in and went over to me. He shook me lightly to get me to wake up.

"Wakey wakey~" He said. I acted like I was just getting up and looked at him with the best sleepy face I could make.

I got up and got ready for the day. I went into the main room and there Douma was on his chair. I decided to sit right by him since Mori wasn't there to take me anywhere. In Douma's hands held a plate with breakfast made for me on it. It was eggs with toast and sausage.

I just stared at the plate. May he thought I was really up and done something to this meal. Even thought I was hungry I didn't trust it one bit.

Douma looked at me confused. "Are you not hungry right now?" He questioned.

He set the plate aside and said, "Well it will be right there when you get hungry. I had to prepare some meals for you today since my servant boy left." Great.

The day went on as usual, but ever once and a while Douma would catch quick glances at me. Was he trying to catch me slip up? Why was he staring so intensly at me?

I excused myself to my room and closed the door. I was getting to nervous being that close to him. He killed a woman as far as I know. I had the right to be scared of him.

And every time he would offer me food I had to refuse because it was made by him. So I ended up having nothing to eat today.

I soon heard a tap on the doors that lead outside. I opened it up to see a note with a piece of bread.

'Dear Yn
It's me Mori. I wanted to write you a note saying that I got to my trainers residency alright. They let me borrow their crow to send letters back and forth.

I got lucky enough to be train by one of the higher ranks called Hashira. The one I'm training with is the Sound Hashira. I heard that he use to be a ninja at one point.

I hope you enjoy the bread I had sent to you as well. I also hope you write back to me. I will try my best to write back as often as I can to update you on my training progress.

Once you are done just call out the name Nijimaru and the crow will appear.

Hope you find this well
Your friend, Moriyama.'

How sweet of Mori to do this. I took a bite out of the bread. It was crunchy and tasted so fresh. I pulled out a paper and a ink feather and began to write a letter back to Mori.

'Hello Mori,

I'm glad you made it safe. Also thank you for the bread. I'll be sure to make it last for a while.

Congratulations on being selected to be trained by one of the higher ups. I'm sure you will be great and become a demon slayer in no time.

So far everything is going alright. Douma luckily hasn't found out my secret Iand I plan to keep it that way. I also will be happy to write you back often as well.

Best of luck to you
YN. '

I stepped outside and called out the name that was stated in the letter. A crow came flying down infront of me. The crow wore some beads as well as scarf around it's neck. It was indeed a very flashy bird.

"Get this to Moriyama for me please." I said handing the bird to letter. I took the letter and flew off.

'Maybe I should have told Mori about what happened last night. No, he needs to work hard if he is going to survive.' I thought. I also need to be strong if I'm going to survive this.

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