[Ch. 7] A Smexy Character

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I dedicated this Chapter to @Happy_PillsXD because they were really hoping for G to feature in this book, so I hope you enjoy it! Love ya'!

There was a tap on your shoulder, so you looked to the right to find a tall skeleton beside you. He had cracks that ran above his left and below his right eye socket. He wore no shirt so his ribs were exposed and a black leather jacket with a fluff hood and black jeans with combat boots. He had a tooth pick sticking outside his mouth and held a lazy but charming expression. 

"Heya there dove, never seen you around 'ere before. You new?" he asked, a lazy grin on his skull. You sat up scooting closer to your table, a sigh escaping your lips. 

"Yeah," you replied. 

"The name's G. What's yours?" G extended his hand out for you to shake. You shook his hand, looking down to realize the palms of his hands were missing. 

"Y/n, and cool hands bro," you smirked, letting go. G chuckled. 

"Thanks dove, nice eyes." 

"Heh. Thanks," you smiled. 

"Hey, are you made of Fluorine, Iodine, and Neon?" he asked before shooting finger guns. You looked at him puzzled. "Because you're F-I-Ne." You blinked twice at G before getting the flirty pun, your cheeks heating up just a smidge.

"Chemistry flirting jokes, huh? Nice one, but I could do better," you smirked. G crossed his arms, smirking. 

"Oh really? Lay it on me," he replied. You cleared your throat, twirling a strand of brown wavy hair around your finger. 

"Are you made of copper baby?" you asked. You then leaned forward putting both hands inbetween G's legs, your face inches from his. "Because I Cu and me together.~" His cheekbones exploded a bright yellow in embarrassment as you plopped back into your seat, laughing. "Told ya' I could do better."

"Yeah, no kiddin'," he stuttered. Mr. Williams then came walking in with a a huge stack of papers, making you and G tilt your head sideways. Let's hope they're not homework packets.

"Class these are the note packets for your next unit, Compounds and Mixtures," he spoke. "Today we are writing down notes as for the rest of the week, so do remember even afterwards to recite over them for our upcoming test the week after next." 

G passed a packet to you which you grabbed and flipped through the four page packet with missing blanks and images and texts of ink. You shrugged. It can't be that bad, you thought. Class then begun, the teacher flipping through slides and explaining them as everyone wrote in the missing blanks in their notes. 

Soon enough, in the middle of the session, your mind went completely blank and you were mentally struggling to keep up which G noticed. 

"Can't keep up?" he whispered, chuckling. 

"No, I just have a short attention span," you grumbled. 

"What is it that you don't understand?" he asked, scooting closer to you. You flipped to the back of the first page and showed him. 

"I don't understand the composition of compounds and mixtures. I always get them mixed up," you sighed in frustration. G traced his finger along the sheet at the note. He grabbed his pencil and made an arrow on the sheet of paper, writing on the side while explaining the concept to you.

"Well a compounds composition contains different elements in a fixed ratio arranged in a defined manner through chemical bonds. They contain only one type of molecule. Elements that compose the compound are chemically combined," he explained before writing another arrowed box. "And a mixture contains different elements and compounds but the ratio is not fixed nor are they combined via chemical bonds. The ingredients are physically mixed but chemically separate. Often they are visibly distinct." 

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