[Ch. 20] A Visit From Error

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You were playing a game of hide and seek tag in the woods with your friends.

You were one of the people hiding, it was a no-magic game. Everyone had split ways, some sticking with eachother, some not so much. You went solo... At first. You had bumped into Dream not too far around the corner.

You fell back onto the ground and he fell on top of you with a bright yellow blush. Once he got off of you, he helped you up apologizing multiple times for his inappropriate actions to which you said it was fine. He ended up sticking with you at that point, you didn't care though. You just didn't want to get caught and that's all that mattered.

Killer, Sans. and Horror were the ones seeking everyone else and they were professional at it, so it was most diligent of you took be careful.

A twig snapped behind you and you softly gasped, quickly turning your head the direction of the sound. Your widened eyes then fell lidded at the image of Dream sheepishly waving at you. You looked down to see the broken branch under his foot than looked back up to meet his bright irises.

"Sorry," he laughed softly. You slowly put a finger up to your lips and aggressively shushed him. You then looked back up ahead and proceeded to move again, Dream staying close and quietly behind.

I wonder if we can find the others without stumbling across Sans, Killer, or Horror, you thought in concentration. Though...that would be pretty difficult considering we have eleven more skeletons to find.

You walked across the forest for sometime, viligent and aware of your surroundings until out of nowhere came a glitching portal from afar. You pushed Dream back from the bright red strings shooting towards the both of you, not being quick enough to move yourself in the process. You got caught up in them, the strings tightening around your body.

A black glitchy skeleton came out of the portal, left hand distilling the same red strings in them. He looked like a corrupted version of Sans with black, yellow, red, and blue clothing with black slippers and a scarf.

"My, mY. Lo0k wH@t wE Ha<e Her3," He grinned cynically, deep voice distorted and glitchy.

"Error, stop!" Dream called out. Huh, so that was the skeleton's name? No wonder.

"Hey! What's the bigh idea?! Put me down!" You yelled, struggling against the red strings in midair. "Dream, go get help!"

"Got it!" He nodded. He ran off back into the woods, Error completely ignoring the yellow skeleton escape.

"@h, CaLl1ng 0uR l1tTle FrI3n6s ar3 wE?" Error chuckled, closing his stringed palm. You let out a choked scream, the red strings cutting into your clothing and skin. "H0w TpY1caL."

You knew for this situation air wouldn't work, it would be better to use fire. Yours eyes ignited a ruby red flame, a fire surrounding your body as your hair turned white.

"A hyBr1d, h0w 1nT3rest1ng," he smirked. "D13." Unfortunately, the red strings were heat resitant and grew tighter, one of the strings squeezing the life out of your neck which was cutting off your air supply. The bright flame you produced begain to flicker in and out, blood seeping from where the string cuts on your skin. You gasped for air, flames vanishing as your dark grey eyes changed frantic colors.

Your vision throbbed, teeth gritted as you hissed in pain at the newly exposed wounds. At this state, you were weak, you were loosing to much blood. This was not looking good on your end, you weren't meant to die that easily. You were stubborn for fucks sake, but maybe a little nap wouldn't hurt...

Just when your eyes were almost about to roll to the back of your head, a whipping crack sound battered your ears. The hold of red strings released your body allowing you to descended downwards. Your limp body fell into bony arms, whoever it was securing you close to their chest.

Your eyes fluttered open to see yourself in Cross' arms, solemn expression serious and filled with anger. Out of all the skeletons, you didn't really expect him to act on your behalf. Man you were wrong.

"L0ng t1m3 n0 s3e 0ld p@l," Error smiled wickedly. "I d1dN't kn0w sH3 w@s y0urS, mak3s m3 W@nt h3r 3ven moRe."

"Error, this fight is between you and me, not her!" Ink shouted, a giant paint brush in hand. Wait, a giant paint brush?! Where the heck did he get that from? Eh, you'll ask later at some point.

More red strings appeared, lunging at your skeleton friends. Your blood boiled at the scene not being able to help them fight back. Red strings came towards you and Cross, he held you close in one arm, a large black knife appearing in his hand. He slashed the strings easily, shame filling you that you couldn't even brake them yourself.

"Cross, get Y/n somewhere safe! Killer, Rus, Black, you follow close behind!" G imparted, summoning bone dog-shaped blasters. Sans and Fell did the same thing, there socket blaring with a new kind of magic you hadn't seen before.

Killer paused his knife action and pouted. "Aw, where's the fun in that?"

"We don't have time for this, come on slashy trashbag!" Rus huffed, grabbing the back of his hood.

"Well that's not very nice," he sighed, letting himself be dragged behind. Blackberry followed after the three, running out through the forest as the other skeletons dealt with Error.

Error let out a deep distorted laugh, a maniacal grin stretched across his skull.

"H0w iNc0veni3nt 0f yoU aLl t0 geT 1n My wAy, s3emS 1'Ll jUst H@v3 t0 tUrn yU0 iN t0... Du$t."

To be continued...


Author-chan: Ha! Left ya' on a cliffhanger! Miss me? Yeah, I know you did. Though, the chapter is short, thanks for reading guys.

I appreciate it! Love ya'! (⁠。⁠・⁠/⁠/⁠ε⁠/⁠/⁠・⁠。⁠)

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