Chp 27

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"I just want to feel this moment!" Everyone sang along to the song.

The students were dancing. Arms flailing in the sky above them, whirling around and whooping their happiness into the sweat-stained air.

A hand grabbed yours and you were swung backward, dipped low, then soaring into the air, the flashing colors momentarily blinding you. 

You touched the ground again and skidded to a smiling, breathless halt. You finally made eye contact with Katsuki, and he was smiling from ear to ear, and your heart skipped a beat like when you first made eye contact with him. 

I watched in shock when I saw Shoto! Dancing? He was moving in such a swift motion with Momo I stared in shock as he moved his left foot backward in a smooth motion, sliding across the slick floor while Momo slid her right foot forward, chasing his retreating foot with hers. 

Dipping forward and looking into her eyes, his fingers tightened on her ribs as his left foot came forward again, surprising her foot and chasing it back. They stopped, toe to toe, and he stared deeply into her eyes before kissing her. 

We all cheered and watched in awe. 

Suddenly the music changed quicker than ever, and I got pulled away by Sero. "Our song Mi amor." He whispered. We practiced for this for days and it finally came. Sero was a good friend of mine, so Katsuki didn't mind as much but he didn't know the entire choreography of the dance. 

His hands gripped onto my hips. The second we started moving. I fell right into his arms, and he caught me spinning me away, the steps flowing between us. His breaths, short and trembling, brushed her hair, and he saw the laughter glitter in her eyes. We finished and bowed in front of everyone. 

I Walked to Katsuki with Sero and asked, "So what did you think?" He stared at me while holding my hips. "We practiced a lot." Sero added. "You are so talented. Wonderful job Sero." Katsuki spoke without breaking eye contact allowing Sero to leave and party again. 

We sang along to all the songs, most of us going from tipsy to drunk quick. We watched as Denki and Sero danced on a table while Jiro recorded dying of laughter. 

Drinks were being poured around everywhere and we all partied like there was no tomorrow. 

I ran across the dance floor to where Aizawa was twerking with Ochako. You could really see the alcohol in our system working. "I'm better than you Ochako!" Aizawa shouted.

A slower song played and me and most girls headed to the bathroom to freshen up. The music was quieter, and we could hardly hear anyone besides some music. "I'm having so much fun you guys!" Momo squealed happily.

"Me too! Denki makes this night even better" Jiro said while smiling. "Aw Jiro!" I squeaked while clinging onto her side. "Guys!" We all changed our focus to Ochako and saw her upset expression. "I might be pregnant..." Ochako said while looking away uncomfortably. 

"Oh my god! I'll get a pregnancy test!" Mina shouted running off. We hurried over to Ochako and asked her continuous questions. 

Once Mina arrived with Tsuyu, we sat around in the toilet trying to cheer her up. "But I think Izuku would want to keep it with you...-" Jiro said. "I mean he loves you! His career won't be ruined!" Hagakure said confidently. "Exactly Ochako it'll be alright you have us." I said hoping she'll be happier. 

The thought of them being so unprotected makes me question whether they are even vanilla. Suddenly the test slid under the toilet door, and we all ran towards it. "I don't want to see it just tell me!" Ochako shouted. 

"You...are...-" Mina started. 

"Fuck give it to me damn it!" Ochako shouted while bursting out of the cubicle. 

"Yes! I'm not pregnant!" We screamed and hugged together until Someone knocked on the door bringing us back to reality.

"Let's head back!" I shouted. We ran out of the toilet and went back to our friends. Ochako had the test in her hand and ran to Izuku screaming. He dropped his cup with the drink and was terrified thinking he was going to be a dad. 

Me and Katsuki laughed so hard I had tears running down my cheeks. "He won't be a dad for now I guess." Katsuki snorted. 

We are who we are started playing and suddenly everyone began dancing while bumping into each other since by now everyone was extremely drunk. 

Aizawa was sleeping up on the stage floor while Mic was half asleep still playing music. I grabbed Katsuki by his shirt and pulled him into a very heated kiss almost making us fall to the floor.

I pulled away for a moment to stare into Katsuki's glossy eyes only for him to whisper. "Don't stop."

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