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Slowly realizing & plan:

Btw: So sorry for not updating like I said I am going to, but I swear I'll update a lot tomorrow.


"She gave you this, and say it was a party invitation?" Sadie asks while munching on her burger. I nod at her.

"Your mouth Sadie." Priah says from behind.

I met Priah yesterday after school, she's cool and a real sass queen. She's really awesome.

"Yeah yeah whatever, so are you going to show this to Finn?" Sadie questions.

"I'm not quite sure, should I?"

"You should girly." Priah and Millie answers quick.

I nod my head at the both of them and immediately spots Finn coming in the cafeteria. He immediately spots me as well and then waves at me and walks forward to us.

"Sup." He greets.

All of the girls head turns to Finn and didn't even greet him a 'hello or even a smile.

He was about to sit beside me when Priah did it first. Finn looked confused but he turns to the other vacant seat and was about to sit beside me when Sadie also did it first.

She smirks at Finn, leaving hin more confused.

"Why are y'all not letting me sit beside y/n? Geez, did I do a crime or what?" Finn says.

"Nah-uh leave us alone, this us girls talk." Sadie shoos Finn away. "You heard the queen." Priah joins.

"Fine." Finn then turns to me. "I'll see you later after school, alright."

I look at Finn and nods slowly. He then walks away, going to Caleb, Gaten, and Noah's table.

"Anyways, forget about the plan we were talking about yesterday and focus on this envelope." - Millie

"I agree so any opinion or theories what this means?" - Sadie says while pointing the envelope.

I shook my head and shrugged my shoulders.

"Do you think they're dating? Millie says and both Priah and Sadie's mouth drop.

"Oh gosh, what happened next when Emily gave you the envelope." - Sadie

"Well, before she gave me the envelope she was flirting with Finn." I state as I low my head. I don't know what I was feeling that time and what I am feeling now.

Explaining how Emily flirted and snuggled into Finn's arm, makes me feel something sting but I specifically don't know what that feeling means.

"Oh shit, go on queen." - Priah

"She practically called him babe, baby, love and she also snuggled into Finn's arm right in front of me." I explain.

"And what did Finn do? How did he react?" Millie asks, she looks upset.

"When Emily snuggled him, he tried to push her away though-"

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