Chapter Thirty-Two

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Y/N stood out on the balcony of the penthouse, they took a sip of their coffee, as they watched the sun begin to slowly rise over the city. Last night had certainly not gone how Y/N had been expecting. When they'd returned from Berlin they'd fully planned to spend the night drinking in the club with Maze and Rhys, causing all sorts of mayhem but instead by some strange stroke of fate Natalia had been there. 

How Dimitri had known it was the right moment to orchestrate the whole thing, Y/N still wasn't sure and they were acutely aware of the fact that at some point today there would be a very pissed off Maze to deal with. For now though they stood on the balcony, enjoying the moment, enjoying for the first time in a long time a feeling of hope that their life wasn't doomed to be spent controlled by the things that had happened in their past. 

There was still a lot to work through and Y/N knew that things wouldn't be easy but they had meant it when they'd told Natalia that they didn't want to live without her. So no matter what happened, no matter how difficult it might be, Y/N would do everything they could to prove themselves worthy of Natalia's love. 

The buzzing of their phone on the table pulled Y/N's attention from their thoughts. Seeing Maze's name appear on the screen, Y/N knew they would only be able to ignore the barrage of messages for so long. It had surprised Y/N that it had taken Maze this long to contact them, that was likely thanks to Dimitri keeping her occupied. 

'Are you alive?'

'Dimitri told me what he did. Is she with you?!'

'Stop ignoring me and damn well reply!'

'Y/N Komarova I am going to kick your arse when I get there. Pick up your fucking phone!'

Y/N read the series of messages and looked at the number of missed calls before starting to type a reply. They hit send once they were done, hoping it would be enough to keep Maze from storming into the penthouse. 

'Mazikeen calm your tits will you. I am perfectly fine and you do not need to come storming over here. I will come by and see you at the club later. I know you're pissed off and I get it, but please just trust me'

A few seconds past and Y/N's phone pinged again. 

'If she so much as hurts a single hair on that stupid head of yours, I will make her life hell. Just be careful Y/N. I'll see you later.'

Y/N put their phone back down, they understood why Maze was reacting like this. Maze had been the one to find them at their lowest in the cabin, she had been the one who for the last few months had been patiently helping Y/N to piece themselves back together. 

It had been no secret that Maze blamed Nat for what had happened, so it was equally not a surprise for her to be reacting this way. Maze was protective and loyal, she cared passionately for those she loved and Y/N wouldn't have her any other way, but right now this was Y/N's choice to make. 

"Is everything okay?" Nat's voice came from behind them. 

Setting the coffee down, Y/N turned around to face Natalia a smile lighting up their face as they took in the sight of her wearing one of their t-shirts, that stopped just above her knees. It was insanely unfair how breathtaking Natalia was, even in just a t-shirt she was so beautiful. 

"Yeah of course. It was uh just Maze checking in on me, that's all" Y/N explained as they walked over to Nat, wrapping their arms around her waist, drawing her in close. 

"Mmm on a scale of one to ten how pissed off is she?" Nat asked as she lent up and kissed Y/N lightly. 

"I'd say she is very much off the scale but she'll get over it eventually. I'll talk to her later on at the club" Y/N replied as they dipped their head to catch Nat's lips again. 

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