[ 10 ] A Hard Wake Up Call

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• a hard wake up call •


MINHO INCHED CLOSER to the girl, leaning over so he could whisper in her ear. Evony, who was paying attention to their leader, side-eyed him before dismissing his presence. He was trying to distract her. She; however, was trying to listen to what the other gladers were saying.

"Pshh, Evy." He bumped her shoulder with his to try to gain her attention.

Without glancing over she whispered back to him, her voice filled with annoyance. "We're in a meeting," she told off.

"I know, but I have a question."

"Minho," she scolded in a quiet manner. This time she did turn her head, her arms crossed as she gave him an irritated expression. He copied her action, to which she rolled her eyes at his mockery. With the banter over, both teens listened back into the conversation around them. Alby and Newt were discussing the possibilities of the absence of the past greenie-what it could mean and how it could affect them.

"If there aren't any more greenies then we need to even out the amount of people at each job." Newt explained to the Keepers.

Evony nodded her head in agreement, but she still had trouble giving him her full attention as her runner friend was persistent on gaining her attention. He tapped her shoulder, this time questioning her without permission. "Who are you pairing with for Activity Day?"

She shook her head, not giving an answer back. Evony already knew who she wanted to ask; she just hadnt yet. She did think-or hope-that he would say yes though. That was unless someone else already offered, but she doubted that.

Thomas wasn't exactly the most popular glader at the moment.

"I say we distribute half the gardeners into different jobs-Zart can decide who goes where." Alby suggested. "All in favor say, I."

A chorus of I's were heard throughout the room, her own voice being one of them.

Once the room quieted down, her best friend continued nagging her. "I'm with Chuck," Minho informed with a shrug. She tossed him a shockful expression, fully not expecting him to pair with the younger boy. If she had to guess it would've been Ben-or even Max-not the curly haired spaz of a boy.

"Chuck? What about...you know?" she questioned him.

Minho shrugged again, "He's better for hide and seek." He was speaking directly into her ear, standing behind her while resting on a post. "Now, when are you going to ask Thomas?"

Evony blinked twice at him before shaking her head. She wasn't appreciating the teasing tone that was leaving his lips. "It's not like that," she muttered, gritting her teeth.

"Alright, the meeting is dismissed."

With one last look back she stalked out of the hut and away from the smirking boy. Evony and Thomas were just friends. Why did a simple friendship have to get over complicated? She had a close relationship with several of the surronding boys, and most of the time no romantic jokes were made between them. Why did Thomas have to be any different?

"Wait, Evony!" Minho called after her. She spun to see him jogging over to her. His face held a solemn expression, like he was guilty of the past things he said.

"What?" Her eyebrows rose in anticipation.

He ran a hand through his hair, "I didn't mean it like that-well I did, but I honestly was only wondering if you were going to ask him."

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