[ 26 ] The Downfall

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• the downfall•


the song "hold on" would be perfect for the first part of this chapter :)

IT WAS AS if time froze.

For that split second of realization that there was no pulse under her finger, she felt everything around her stop. Then as quick as the state of panic came, it left, replaced by crumpling, undeniably pain. She pulled her fingers away from his neck, scrambling to reposition him in her lap so she could feel for the vein in his wrist. When that was unresponsive as well, she felt her insides begin to burn.

"Shit," she muttered, feeling the tears scorching her eyes already. They drained out in aimless patterns, dropping onto his shirt and staining it with the raw emotions. "Dammit!" she cried out louder this time. She pulled the boy closer to her, practically cradling him in her lap.

Then, by some universal miracle, Thomas' pulse started up again.

It was faint, so faint she had nearly missed it, but it was there, and she could feel it underneath her fingertips. The discovery only made her sob more, and by the time the tears had started raining down at full force was Minho had made it to the ground with her.

"Is he breathing?" he rushed, his eyes wider than she'd ever seen them.

Her lips pressed together, not relying on her words to communicate her answer. She gave him a shaky nod. "Barely."

"Okay," Minho affirmed, taking Thomas from her lap and placing his hands over his chest, "Hold his nose and tip his head back. We need to get his heart at a controlled pace."

Evony didn't know how he was able to remain so calm when his friend had literally just died in front of him. She couldn't. Her cheeks were puffy and a bright red. The adrenaline rushing through her body cause for spastic movements to release into her fingers, making her hands tremble.

She managed to get herself together so that she could get him into the position Minho told her to. Her hands slipped behind his head, keeping one at the base of his neck while the other plugged his nose. Evony could sense the other Gladers watching them, their keen eyes only making her heart beat faster. She noticed Newt in the crowd, he was scrunching his face like he was trying to hold back tears. There was also Chuck, who didn't grasp what was going on at first but was now holding tightly onto Frypan for support.

Minho pushed down onto Thomas' chest in a repeated fashion, giving him several compressions before he motioned for Evony to do her part. She did so quickly, reaching her head down and connecting their lips so she could blow air into his lungs. After three times she lifted her head back up to check for the boy's pulse. It was slowly drifting away.

"Again!" she exclaimed, holding his head back, "Come on, Thomas. You're okay, you're going to be okay."

Minho repeated the compressions, leaning his ear against Thomas' chest to check for a heartbeat. "I can't feel it!"

A choked sob escaped her, "Do it again!"

Her hands positioned themselves on his cheeks, letting her gaze fixate themselves on his face. He was pale-too pale, like all the blood had rushed out of him. "Thomas," she whispered, even though it was pointless for her to do so; he wouldn't hear her anyway. "You gotta hold on a little longer, okay. I lo- we love you." One of her tears landed on his cheek, and she wiped it off with the pad of her thumb.

"Your turn!" Minho shouted, and she took a deep breath before connecting their lips again. The brunet laid still the first two times, however the third time when she lowered her mouth to his something did happen. She felt the jolt that shook his entire body, causing him to sit up almost instantly as she blew the last bit of air into his mouth.

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