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Within a large cavern several Decepticons were at work mining energon, the life blood of all Cybertronians. They were using lasers to cut through the glowing blue crystals and gather them up.

They were so busy they didn't notice a small remote controlled car enter and began driving around the cavern. On top of the car was a small camera that was streaming video to Raf's laptop not to far away. Since Raf had to be in a certain range to control the car he had bridged over with Optimus, Bumble Bee, Bulkhead and Wheeljack, they were currently hiding on a hill in front of the cavern entrance out hidden from sight by the trees of the surrounding forest.

"Okay theres one guard at the entrance and five guards located above the miners" Raf said examining the screen "Theres the computer console and theres the energon they've mined" he showed the bots a pile of energon cubes stacked up and ready for transport.

"Well done Rafael" Optimus said to the young boy before activating his comlink "Ratchet, activate the groundbridge" having Raf assist them in scouting out the cavern was one thing, but it was too dangerous to have him here during the raid.

The swirling green vortex appeared and Raf grabbed his laptop "Good luck guys" he said before entering the portal which closed behind him.

Optimus looked down at the drone guarding the entrance "We need to silence the guard before we enter the mine".

"And I know just how to do it" Wheeljack said with a smirk.

The drone was keeping his optics open when he heard a voice "Hey!" he turned to see Wheeljack standing at the other side of the entrance "You know where I can find the nearest fuel depo?"

The drone aimed his weapon at him "DON'T MOVE AUTOBOT!" he yelled. Wheeljack just smirked as Bulkhead jumped out of the trees, the drone turned just in time to see Bulkheads mace smash his faceplate into the ground.

As Bulkhead pulled his mace back revealing the drones crushed head Wheeljack spoke "Just like old times" with that both Wreckers laughed.

With the guard down they entered the cavern quietly, once in side they split into two teams, Optimus and Bumble Bee, Bulkhead and Wheeljack, to take out the guards overlooking the miners. Wheeljack snuck up on the first guard and drove his sword right through him, the second guard saw this but before he act Bulkhead grabbed his head and smashed it into the ground. The third guard heard a noise and went to investigate, he walked into one of the tunnels and looked both ways for anything strange. Seeing nothing unusual he decided to return to his post, he turned around just in time to see Optimus bring his blade down on him. The remaining two guards were standing next to each other when a small rock rolled inbetween them, they both turned to the tunnel it had come from and after nodding to each other they activated their blasters approached the tunnel. They jumped in the tunnel each facing one way looking for any threat, but the threat was actually above them. With great difficulty Bumble Bee had been able to hold on to the roof of the tunnel where the drones couldn't see him, he was directly above them and right between them. As the drones turned to each other Bumble Bee dropped down activating his blasters as he landed, before the drones could act he raised both arms and blasted both cons in their faceplates. Bumble Bee walked out of the tunnel and saw the others where the guards were but still out of sight from the miners, they each signalled that the guards had been neutralised.

One of the miners looked up to see the guards gone "Hey where'd they go? he yelled causing the other miners to stop working and looked around with no guards in sight.

Before any of them could act the drone who spoke up was shot from behind, the other drones turned to see Bulkhead and Wheeljack sliding down the cavern wall blasting at them. When the drones returned fire two more of them were shot from behind by Optimus and Bumble Bee sliding down the opposite wall. With fire coming from both sides the drones were dropping like flies, one of them made a run for the computer console call for reinforcements. Bulkhead saw the drone and knew he had to stop him, seeing a large drill next to him gave the Wrecker an idea. The drone dodged blaster fire as he neared the console, but just as he reached it he heard a noise from above him. He looked up to see the drill fly through the air at him, the drill hit crushing the drone and the console.

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