proven respect

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Tywin Lannister was feared by seven kingdoms. His dominance and power struck fear into those who opposed him. Many have lost their lives by crossing him. It was known to everyone even the people of the Capitol that he was the one true ruler of the seven kingdoms and realms. Not only under the rule of Joffrey but including the Mad King himself.

Wars and bloodshed have been taken in victory due to the Lannister and after the death of his father Tywin swore that he would build a dynasty in their name that would last an eternity. As his life progressed he soon realized the challenges that would come from it, especially due to the fact that he was so ashamed of his own heirs.

Jaime, a glorified soldier to the Kingsgaurd and known kingslayer after striking a sword through his kings back, Cersei, a madden woman who was unable to reign control over the men who sat on the iron throne and Tyrion... He swore to himself, no matter how difficult they proved that his family would rule the realm. With his kin as a failure he was close to giving up but then Cersei gave birth to his granddaughter.

Joanna was everything he'd hoped his sons would be. Off and on battlefields over the course of the war he had gained a respect for Joanna. The tales of her strategies on the field and skilled swordsmanship reached each ear that would reach their spies. She was everything Tyrion and Jaime needed to be. Everything Joffrey needed to be as king.

As hand of the king he truly came to the realization of how incompetent Joffrey was as king. Immature, unable to gain both admiration and fear from his citizens, useless on a battlefield and lacked his respect. Joffrey was a spoilt child who had no grasp of reality because his mother coddled him from the world. Never held a spear and sword out of honour because it has always been gifted to him as something to play with.

The contrast between Joanna and Joffrey were like night and day. For the longest time he wondered why they were so opposite to one another but the answer was simple. it was a case of discipline. Ever since birth Joanna was disciplined and listened to the lessons of war. She had a deep interest as to why the wars left their kingdoms in the state they were and was willing to learn out of them because she understood that stories where not only a learning guide but a way of forging her own future.

She'd listen to her lessons and studied the Kingsgaurd, how they attacked, why they would and learned the history of each kingdom. From Dorne to The North she wanted to know their strengths and weaknesses for when she would ascend the throne. Even after Joffrey's birth, she was assured that one day the throne would be hers. Tywin always imagined that Joanna would kill Joffrey to take the throne, and he would not oppose to such an event but that was all before she was sent to the North per the arrangement of Robert Baratheon and Eddard Stark.

Now in the chambers of hand of the kings all he saw was a traitor and broken warrior. An insolent and disrespectful child who had no honour to her family. "You may think that you are of my kin but you are not nearly as clever as you think." He spat as he took a seat behind his desk. After having Joanna escorted off of the throne and to his chambers the two sat across in silence as they glared to one another. Her arms crossed as she sat back in the chair, ironically enough in his mind he still saw her as a young child

"You had given the order to have me killed. I think if anything could be learned from the red wedding is that I can survive and outsmart you far more than anyone in this castle has ever been able to." Joanna answered to him

"You think so, do you have any idea what the king plans to do to you? For betraying your family, having Jaime be held as your hostage, marrying that Stark boy when your instructions were to return to Kingslanding, not to mention daring to sit on his throne. You are everything but smart Joanna." Tywin reasoned with his granddaughter. Joanna's face remained stoic

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