fallen lion

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The king was dead and the princess was missing.

Cersei knew her children weren't perfect, at all. Joffrey was malicious, violent and sadistic and Joanna, headstrong, rebellious and too confident to the point that it scared her, but non the less she loved them still.

She didn't care what anyone had to say about her but her children... for her children Cersei would set fires to cities and skin anyone alive who posed a danger to her children. She was not perfect but she had peace with that, but what no one could ever dare say about her is that she did not love her children.

Though violent, it was the beauty of her motherhood.

To her family, even Jaime, she could never explain her loyalty to her children, despite their many flaws. It was the most difficult task she had ever been given but also the greatest joy that ever happened to her. To Cersei, nothing could compare to every tiny thing they did. Their smiles, every giggle added years to her life - every day with them was a new joy she never knew existed.

Her children - they were her pride and joy. When she was with Joanna so many told her how miserable her firstborn would make her. That she would rush to have a second to make up for them mistakes of the first. She never felt that way with Joanna.

Joanna was wild and rebellious. She hated her duties as a princess and desired to be like Jaime, riding a horse into battle with a sword in hand, and even though she didn't like the idea she could never say no to Joanna's sweet eyes. There were no words to describe how a mother feels towards her first born. A love that was so undying- so true and pure.

And she knew despite all of her flaws Joanna loved just the same.

As Cersei stared at Joffrey, cold and pale, lifeless in the Sept of Baelor she wondered where she went wrong as a mother. To have her children hate each other so much, to know that her children never had a day of peace amongst one another. Tommen and Myrcella were perfect but Joffrey and Joanna tested her patience - and yet she remained partial. She would rather spend her life breaking up their fights than have them away from each other and now-

Now she stares at her dead son Joanna, her love and life was missing. It all happened so fast. Joffrey falling to his knees gasping for air. She had no hesitation as she ran to him, her boy. But in the same breathe her daughter slipped through her fingers- and for that she couldn't forgive herself.

"I want him dead. I want Tyrion dead for what he's done." She spoke as her chest was set aflame from her mournful screams. Jaime stood next to Cersei as he too mourned for Joffrey. Though he was never as close with Joffrey as he was with Joanna that didn't mean some part of him did not love him- what he and Cersei had brought into this world

"Cersei..." he slowly answered "It couldn't have been him. I refuse to believe it was Tyrion. He wouldn't -" Jaime argued with himself over the nature of Joffrey's death and Joanna's disappearance. Was she kidnapped? Who planned the murder of the king? Was this their payment for their sins

"You saw Joffrey point to him!" Cersei turned to yell at him as she felt her warm tears pass her cheeks "I want his head on a fucking spike for what he's done! I want my daughter back! I want my children back!" She cried through her screams. Jaime attempted to hold her but she pushed him away- she would not rest until she had answers "She can't be alone Jaime! I won't lose her again!"

Jaime pondered over his words, Cersei was a mother in grief but he knew Joanna, he understood why she was so unhappy to have returned given what she endured at the hands of her own family "What if- " he breathed in deeply realizing there was no way he would answer without Cersei threatening to have his tongue "What if she left out of her own will?" he asked "We both knew she was unhappy here, after what she has suffered-"

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