It's Just A Dream

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Wanda POV-

I wake up to Y/N mumbling in her sleep after I drifted off. I can hear voices coming from the hallway as everyone returns to their rooms for the night. "Shh, everything is okay. You're safe." Her hand begins to clench and unclench my shirt before she thrashes to her back away from me.

"Y/N," I roll to my side placing my hand on her chest. "You're dreaming, baby." I scratch back and forth knowing it helps her calm down. It has been a couple of days since she last had a nightmare, so I knew we were due for one.

She seems to be settling down until her eyes open, scared. She grabs ahold of my hand and pushes herself back in the bed until she hits the headboard. Her eyes are wide as she scans the room. "Baby, it's okay. I'm right here. You're safe." Her breathing is ragged as she begins to tug at her shirt collar.

"Wanda," she keeps searching around the room, her hands shaking. "Baby, look at me." I place my hand on her leg to get her attention but instead of calming her like normal, she jumps up out of the bed and moves towards the door.

"Y/N, come back here." I throw back the covers and move slowly towards her as she continues tugging at her shirt. "Wanda, I, I can't breathe. I can't, I can't, I-," She backs herself into the corner of the room and drops to the ground pulling her knees to her chest after aggressively ripping her shirt off over her head.

I squat down in front of her with slow movements. I hover my hands over her knees until she looks up at me. "You're having a panic attack, baby. Breathe, match me." She sets her hands on top of mine and locks eyes with me. It takes her a couple of tries, but she manages to slow down her breaths. Her chest rises and falls in a more even pattern, the sports bra not seeming to bother her. "Better?" Her hands are still shaky as they rest on top of mine. She nods her head, "A little." She rests her head back against the wall and closes her eyes.

"What was it this time?" She straightens out her legs and spreads them apart so I can sit between them in front of her. She moves forward, dropping her head against my chest. I wrap my arms around her shoulders as she speaks, "Nico."

Y/N doesn't have to say more. She asked me to go to her therapy sessions with her where she has explained what happens in her nightmares to Dr. Raynor. Normally, it is reliving her memories of Drew and Nico dying. She gets paranoid about people sneaking up on her thanks to Specialist Grace jabbing her with that sedative. She also dreams about me getting shot. There are variations to all of these including dreams of losing the kids and Nat.

Her brain just processed those events differently, and it affects her sleep and anxiety during the day. Little things can trigger her brain to freak out causing an anxiety attack. With Dr. Raynor's help, we have figured out some ways to manage them better and to work through her triggers.

I scratch up and down Y/N's back waiting for her to tell me when she is ready to go back to bed. I don't want her to feel rushed. "Can we get back into bed now?" She sits back looking at me with slightly teary eyes as she lets out a shaky sigh. She hates feeling like a burden.

"Of course," I take her hand and guide her back to our bed. She positions herself back against me and grabs hold of my shirt. She mumbles under her breath, "I'm sorry that I woke you." I kiss the top of her head, "I would rather you wake me up than suffer alone, baby." She nuzzles her head a little before sighing. As she begins to drift asleep, I just barely catch the words that fall off her lips, "I don't deserve you."


I feel a weight on my stomach as I begin to wake up. I look down to see Y/N's head resting on me, her arm locked around my waist. I don't know when she moved down, but I guess she didn't have another nightmare, at least one that woke her.

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