Telling the Kids

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Everyone else leaves the room except for Wanda and me. Nat pats my shoulder on her way out and Yelena hugs Wanda quickly but they leave us too. I lean forward and drop my head into my hands. Now that we are alone, my nerves get the best of me. My leg begins to shake violently as tears roll down my cheeks and drop onto the wooden table.

Wanda moves closer to me and rests her head against my shoulder rubbing her hand up and down my back. Her breathes are shaky as a couple of her tears wet my shirt. I have trouble getting the words out of my throat, "This is for the kids. They won't have to look over their shoulders ever again." Wanda nods slowly but still keeps her cheek pressed against my shoulder. "This is for our family."

I hear the door behind us open followed by Freya running under the table. She drops her head down into my lap and looks up at me. "Hi sweet girl." Wanda drops one hand down to pet her as a soft voice speaks, "Can we join?" It's Kali. Wanda and I both sit up and rub at our faces even though the kids know.

It is just Eli, Harlee, and Kali this time. Eli steps forward first, "What's going on? Nat said you guys needed to see us?" The door shuts behind them as they move closer to us. Thankfully, Wanda manages to get some words out, "Y/N and I got assigned to a mission that takes place tomorrow."

I know they don't understand fully. We've kept them mostly in the dark. We just didn't want them to worry since we had it handled but they need to know now. Just in case something happens and we don't make it home. Some semblance of recognition crosses each of their faces as Wanda and I stand up. The kids move forward into our arms without saying a word and hold on tight to each other as silence fills the room.

I can feel Freya trying to squeeze into the middle of our group hug a couple of times until she finally succeeds. Harlee lets out a wet laugh before looking at me with tears in her eyes, "You don't have to go. There has to be another way." Both Kali and Eli's eyes are bloodshot as they look between Wanda and me. Eli's voice comes out sharp, "Why does it always have to be you and Wanda? At least let us help! It is the least we can do!"

Another tear escapes my eye, "No, Eli. You know we can't let you do that. We're the most qualified for this. Plus, I won't put your futures in the hands of anyone but us. Wanda and I will make sure you never have to worry again." Kali gets choked up and clenches her hands into fists at her sides, "At the expense of potentially losing the two most important people in our lives right now?"

I always wanted a family of my own, but I never could have imagined how strongly the urge would be to protect and love them with everything I have in me. As I look at my fiancé, the kids, our dog, I understand now. If I had to trade everything I had, even my life, to keep them safe, I wouldn't hesitate. This attitude has always been my downfall and greatest strength as a healer.

Kali unclenches her hands and bends down slightly to pet Freya's head. Eli wraps his arm around Harlee. "We are just escorting Abigail to a SHIELD prison. It is the best and most safe option for all of us. She can't stay here. It should be a low risk mission but we never know. We are just being cautionary and trying to prepare you guys." Wanda trails her fingers down my arm and interlocks our hands together, a much needed comfort.

Harlee cuts me off from saying anything else, "Prepare? Prepare for nothing. You'll be back the day after next. It's just a see you later. Nothing more." Wanda reaches out and places her empty hand on Harlee's arm, "We still should probably talk about a couple of things though even if we don't want to."  Eli, Kali, and Harlee all stand up a little straighter and lift their chins in a show of confidence and strength in an attempt to dissuade us.

"Fine but let me just say one last thing, okay?" They all nod their heads, "Wanda and I are so proud of all that you three have accomplished. You have come so far. And no matter what, we will always be a family. Always." The kids get it. They know how dangerous Abigail can be. I hate to plan worst case scenario but I don't trust her. The only way to truly keep the kids safe is to remove Abigail from their lives. I will not let her impact them any more than she already has.

I hate this. Children should not have to worry about their parents not coming back home. I know we aren't their parents but I feel like it is similar. Wanda finishes up my small speech to them, "We love you guys. You don't have to say it back but we do. We just want you to know that." They shake their heads and Kali pushes out more tears as she speaks, "We love you too. Thank you for saving us."

We all group hug again before everyone takes a step back and sighs. "I vote to have ice cream for dinner." The kids all jump up excited before wiping at their eyes and faces. Harlee bends down in front of Freya, "Have you ever tried whipped cream? I think you'll like it. We can get you some." My heart physically hurts seeing the kids trying to be strong. They are the most resilient people I have ever met.

"Come on, let's go get us some ice cream. Kali, go grab Peter. Harlee and Eli, go grab the other adults. Ice cream for everyone. Wanda and I can start scooping bowls." Freya follows after the kids as they walk out of the conference room together.

Wanda stands next to me and drops her head down onto my shoulder. "They are the strongest and most amazing kids I have ever met in my entire life." I turn my head and kiss the side of hers. "They said they love us." Wanda pulls back and scrunches up her nose as she looks at me with a huge smile on her face. "They did."

She lifts her arms up to wrap them around my neck. "We need to set a wedding date. That way we have to make it back." I lean my forehead forward against hers, "How about September?" She runs her fingers lightly through my hair. "How about September 20th?" I nod, "I love it. September 20th it is. Only three more months until I change that Miss into a Mrs."

Wanda kisses me one more time before dragging me out of the conference room and towards the kitchen with a goofy grin on her face. Mrs. Maximoff. I love how that sounds. Now, we just have to survive until the date. How hard can that be?

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