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I step into the bathroom and grip the edge of the counter in front of the sink. I look up into the mirror, but I don't feel like it is me looking back. I splash some water on my face but that doesn't help. I can control this. I can stop these. I am in control. I'm okay.

I hear soft footsteps followed by Wanda appearing in the bathroom doorway. "Can I come in?" I look down at the sink and slowly nod trying to take deep breaths. She steps around behind me but hesitates. "Can I touch you?" I nod once more letting out a shaky breath.

She wraps her hands under my arms, placing her palms against my upper chest. "Breathe in," she leans forward lightly resting her head against my back. She can see my face in the mirror when she lifts her eyes. I take in a deep inhale trying to fill my lungs with as much air as possible.

"And out," I can feel her breathing with me. She kisses the back of my neck between words as her voice vibrates against my skin. "You're safe. I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere." I manage to starve off the attack, keeping from spiraling completely.

"There you go, baby." I know she can hear my breathing begin to settle again. "I'm sorry, the loud sound just triggered me." She scratches lightly against my shirt. "It's okay. I figured that is what happened. You did a good job calming yourself down."

I lean down over the sink and splash some more water on my face. I run my wet fingers through my hair before turning around to face Wanda. She slowly moves her hands up to my neck, resting her thumbs against my jawline.

"Did you want to work out today?" I lean forward placing my forehead against Wanda's. "Yeah, I think so. I want to make a good first impression with Yelena too, so I need to get some of this anxious energy out of me. Did I worry Nat and Steve?" She shakes her head no.

"They understand, baby. We have all had to work through things. We all just want to help." I pull back leaving a gentle kiss on her forehead. "Thank you. Can you save me a plate for dinner? I'll eat after I am done."

Wanda nods. "Of course, you okay if I hang out with everyone else while you work out?" She watches as I walk into our closet to change. "Yeah babe. I'll be okay." I change into a pair of light joggers and a tank top then grab my headphones off my bedside table. "Don't overdo it, okay?" She begins to follow me out of our room, "I won't."

Wanda POV-

Y/N veers off to the right towards the gym while I return back to the kitchen. "Is she okay?" I know Nat cares a lot for her. "Yeah, she actually calmed herself down for the most part. She is going to work out then join us. She said she doesn't want to make a bad impression with Yelena."

Nat nods her head moving to stand next to Steve at the counter. "Yelena gets it. I have a feeling they'll get along well. Oh!" She pulls up her phone, "Look, I took a couple of extra pictures of the ring." She hands it to me to see. "It's perfect. Thank you for doing that Nat."

I show Steve the photos and explain my idea. "How are you going to give it to her? Are you wanting to do some big thing?" I shake my head no. "No, something small. I just can't decide what to do. Maybe a picnic by the water tomorrow? I'm a little nervous if I am being honest."

I pull out the key to the townhome that Y/N gave me. "And look," I set it down on the counter in front of them. "Is this what I think it is?" I nod my head with a smile. "Yep. I guess she got approval from Stark. She asked if I wanted to move into the townhome with her."

Nat picks up the key and examines the keychain. "This is adorable. You said yes, right?" Steve laughs at our small gossip moment. "Of course. We didn't talk about logistics yet though. I don't know how soon she wants to move in. She asked if I wanted to redecorate. I just am still processing, I think."

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