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Nat POV-

"I'll be right there. No, Yelena is coming to stay with the boys. Yes, they're fast asleep. Wanda take a deep breath for me. I'll be there soon."


Yelena's call finally cuts through my phone now that I am off the phone with Wanda. "What the hell happened Nat?" I rake my fingers through my hair once before grabbing my keys and heading towards the door.

"I don't know. Wanda was panicking so she was rambling. Something about Y/N getting blasted into the bridge then falling into the water at the local park. She kept saying it was her fault and that Y/N was in and out of consciousness. Wanda was just trying to keep pressure on her head because it was bleeding."

There is a slight pause on Yelena's end as I hear her gun the car forward most likely to make a light. "How did this happen? I thought everything was going good between them." I whip the car out of the neighborhood and take off towards the park, "I knew she was struggling a little bit but I didn't know it was this bad. Y/N just kept saying she thought the two of them needed some time together. She's been hiding it from all of us. Even Y/N."

I can hear Yelena throw the car in park. "Just got to the house. Keep me posted." I am getting close to the park. "I will." As I go to end the call, Steve calls. "Yelena told me something happened. I just parked. Where are you?" I take the last turn and zip into a parking spot next to him. "Right here."

We both take off sprinting towards the bridge not knowing what we are about to find. Finally I see the bridge then notice Wanda kneeling on the ground near the waters edge. Steve immediately switches into team leader mode.

"Wanda, explain to use what happened?" He kneels down next to Y/N's head to feel her pulse as I carefully pull Wanda back from Y/N a step. "She, she was holding me on the bridge and I got in my head. I was pounding on her chest then I shot out a massive energy wave. My eyes were closed when I heard her hit the metal of the bridge and then the splash as she fell below. She keeps fluttering her eyes but she is unresponsive." Steve looks up at me with an unreadable expression, "Nat, call 911. We need help now."

Nat POV-

The ambulance arrives and loads Y/N into it. "Is one of you riding with her?" The EMT looks between the three of us. Before Wanda can respond, Steve steps forward. "I am." I grab ahold of Wanda and shake my head no at her before looking back the EMT. "We'll be there shortly."

A shock runs through my hand and arm as they turn to leave making me drop my grip on Wanda. Flecks of red are sparkling in her eyes. "Nat, she's my fiancé. I did this. I need to go with her." I start ushering her into my car not giving her a chance to chase down the EMT. "No, we have something we need to do first. Get in."

Wanda POV-

Nat heads in the opposite direction of the ambulance. "Nat where are we going? We need to follow the ambulance." Nat keeps her eyes locked on the road. "We need to get your abilities under control. Just a little further."

The further we drive on this road the more rural it gets. "Nat, come on." She shakes her head no leaving us in silence again. Eventually she pulls over onto the side of the road next to an empty field. "What are we doing here?" Nat undoes her seatbelt and climbs out without answering me.

"Nat! Look at me!" She turns her head as I step around the car to face her. She does her best to hide it but she recoils ever so slightly before responding. I can feel my hands beginning to shake and my abilities threatening to release. "Go out to the middle of this field and let it out. It's abandoned. Do your worst."

She wants me to do what? She doesn't budge. She just rests back against the hood of the car. "Go Wanda." Nat clearly is not going to let this go until I do it. After conceding to her stare down, I start the trek into the middle of the field. There are wild flowers and weeds growing everywhere. This field doesn't look like it's been touched in a while.

I don't know how long I've been walking but as I turn around to see how far I've gone, I see Nat still leaning against the car her arms crossing her chest. I think I am far enough out. I look out to my right and see a couple abandoned hay stacks falling apart. I turn in a circle and notice the familiar scenery.

The hay barrels, the tree line, the road we drove in on. It all comes back to me. This is where Y/N drove us after Drew found us at the townhome and gave us a letter. She didn't want anyone to be able to spy on us. The weeds are taller than before but I know this is it.

Y/N and I've been through hell in the past year together. Dealing with Hydra, rescuing the kids, taking Abigail to the SHIELD prison only to have Drew try to rescue her, we both got injured then I somehow got pregnant and gave birth just days later, adjusting to being parents.

I look down to my hands and see red energy beginning to form. Nat told me to let it out. I can't hurt anyone here. But, I hurt Y/N. She's at the hospital now. We don't know what's wrong but she was unconscious. I hurt the love of my life, the mother to our children who has only ever supported me and been my rock.

Nat POV-

I can barely see the outline of Wanda in the field with how dark it is getting. I squint a little harder until I see a red glow beginning to illuminate her. Come on Wanda. You need to do this.

She is standing at least one hundred yards away but the shockwave that explodes from her shakes the ground. A couple small birds go flying into the air at the disruption. Wanda is hovering a couple feet off the ground as the air begins to feel electric. The hairs on my arms raise as I watch on.

Eventually, her feet touch back down to the ground and she collapses to her knees. I can hear her pained gut wrenching scream from here as I begin to walk closer to her. Wanda's hands are grasping at her chest, her breathing labored.

"Wanda," I kneel down next to her. "Can I touch you?" She doesn't make any indication to respond until she lunges forward and wraps me in a hug. Her entire body is violently shaking and tears are streaming down her cheeks. "Shh, it's going to be okay. Just breathe for me." I hold her close gently running my hand through her hair. "Just breathe."

Steve POV-

Y/N goes back for surgery as Wanda and Nat finally arrive at the hospital. Wanda's eyes are bloodshot like she's been crying for a week straight and Nat's shoulders are dropped, her normal confidence and bravado nonexistent.

Wanda steps in front of me, "Where is she, Steve?" Nat takes a seat next to me. "Surgery. They said her brain is bleeding. Her back is also severely bruised. They aren't sure if she broke anything." Wanda takes a couple steps away before collapsing in the chair next to Nat. "This is all my fault." She drops her head in her hands. Nat reaches over and interlocks her fingers with mine. No one is going to get any sleep tonight.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2023 ⏰

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