Believe Me

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Wanda takes my hand and begins to guide me towards our old room. There is a comfort from it that we both feel anytime we are here. Some of our first big moments together happened in this room. I think back to my first night here. Wanda kept me company and went with me to the townhome. That was the first time she saw it. Who knew it would be our future home together.

Wanda closes the door behind us as we enter into the familiar room. I walk over towards the windows and stand in front of them. The view always amazed me. Wanda wraps her arms around my torso from behind and rests her head against my upper back. We just stand there in silence together. We didn't get a chance to just enjoy each other's company this morning because we had to get moving to get here.

The first words that come out of her mouth send a wave of relief throughout my entire body, "I believe you, baby." I spin around to face her as she drops her hold on me. I trail my hands down her arms and easily intertwin our fingers together. "I wish I had a solution for us. I don't know how I can protect you, protect the kids."

She leans forward and pecks me on the lips before emphasizing her words, "How we can protect them. How I can protect you. It's you and me." We're supposed to be a unit, a team. I need to learn to let her stand with me, not behind me. "Maybe there is a clue in the memories you saw in Abigail's head."

Wanda squeezes my hands once, "Guess we're about to find out." Her eyes begin to change color from green to red as I feel her magic move up my arms like a wave. Her voice whispers in my head in a soothing tone, "Let me in, baby." I focus on dropping my barriers and allowing her access to my mind. Everything around us fades out as Wanda projects the memories like a simulation around us.

Wanda POV-

Y/N and I step back as the memory forms around us. Abigail is strapped to a metal table and appears to be unconscious. She begins to flutter open her eyes as the single door leading into the room opens. "Abigail, what a pleasure it is. Welcome back to the land of the living." The doctor comes walking into the room and checks the medical equipment that is hooked up to her.

"Can you tell me the last thing you remember?" Abigail rolls her head to one side like it is too heavy to look up at the ceiling. "Um, I, I was shot, by Wanda. Then I was in and out of consciousness until I saw Drew," she pauses. "Oh god no! Drew! Where is he? Please tell me you were able to help him!" Tears begin to stream out of her eyes and roll down the sides of her face onto the metal table.

She begins to fight against the restraints as she screams out his name in agony. Her breathing panicked and rough. "Drew!" Y/N wraps her arm around me as we witness Abigail's complete breakdown. Finally, the doctor inserts something into Abigail's iv and she falls back asleep.

In the next memory, Abigail is in a small room with no windows. There is one metal door with a small slot for food to be given and a tiny metal toilet in the corner. No blanket, no pillow, nothing she can harm herself with. Probably for the best since the floor is covered in a layer of cold water.

Y/N unconsciously moves me partially behind her as we step towards one of the corners of the room. We are only observers and cannot be harmed but I understand her fear. Our feet splash in the water as we move but we don't get wet. Abigail is sitting in the middle of the floor looking down at her hands. The water doesn't seem to faze her. Even in the poor lighting, you can see that she hasn't been sleeping well.

A speaker projects a voice into the small, dark room. "You know what you must do, Abigail. Drew is dead. Your mom is dead. Hydra is your life, your family. You have to earn your freedom." Abigail doesn't move or say a word. "You will learn to comply again." A metal click sounds from above followed by the sound of rushing water. "One day you will be an asset. Until then, you will learn."

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