Stay With Us

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Thankfully, the sun has gone done now so we are less visible to our neighbors. All we need are cops called because Steve is carrying an unconscious female out of our house. Wanda throws a blanket over Abigail's body after Steve lifts her up bridal style just to be safe.

Once everyone exits the house, I lock the door behind me and jump into the front seat of my car. Steve's door shuts followed by Wanda's as I throw the car into reverse to back out of our driveway. I look over my shoulder to see Abigail laying across the backseat with her head in Steve's lap. I'm really hoping she stays unconscious until we get back to the facility.

Wanda's phone rings in her lap as we are speeding down the main roads that lead to the facility. This feels like the longest ten minutes of our life. "Hang on Nat, let me put you on speaker." Wanda pulls her phone away from her ear and hits the speaker button so we can all hear Nat.

"Tony is heading to the facility now, but we are still going to beat him there. He said to lock Abigail in our no tech conference room downstairs especially because we don't truly know about her abilities. JARVIS has the capabilities to lock the door for us and to activate some security feeds that look into the room. But, Tony doesn't think Abigail should be able to access that tiny amount of energy that will be pushed to the cameras and the door. He said there are safeguards in place."

I nod along as I listen to Nat speak. I can see Yelena and the kids in their car directly behind me and I believe Nat is behind them. "Sounds good, Nat. Pulling up now." I slam on the gas as we enter onto our private road leading to the garages. I know we don't have much time left before Abigail wakes up.

I whip the car around in front of the garages and throw it into park. All three of us immediately hop out of the car and work to get Abigail out. Wanda waves her hand and unlocks the main door leading inside for us as she waits for the kids. "Go, I'm going to make sure they're okay."

Steve jogs across the facility to the stairwell leading to the basement and slows down only to not slip down the stairs. "Y/N, can you get the door?" I step around him and unlock the vaulted door. "I'll be right back, don't close the door yet unless she starts to wake up."

I turn on my heels and run back up the stairs towards the living room. I hear everyone else entering the facility, but I keep running. I grab a throw pillow and a blanket from the couch and begin my run back.

Steve is standing in the doorway of the no tech room with his arms folded across his chest, his eyes focused solely on Abigail's body. His head turns to look at me as I jump down the last couple of steps. "I'm back."

I step past him and lift Abigail's head to rest it on the pillow. I also toss the blanket over top of her body. Sleeping on the floor is going to wreck her body but at least this will provide a little comfort. Steve pushed the table to the corner of the room along with the chairs, so they are out of her way.

I pause in my movements and look down at Abigail for a second before Steve calls me back out. "Come on, Y/N. We need to shut the door." He doesn't comment on my actions in bringing her a pillow and blanket but instead remains silent. Once I am out of the room, he pushes the door shut and locks the door.

Wanda POV-

Steve and Y/N come walking into our main conference room a couple of minutes after we arrived. "Hey," Y/N walks right up to me and pulls me into her arms tightly. "Are you okay?" I nod my head as she continues to hold onto me.

She finally pulls away as the kids and Freya come walking into the conference room. "Where's Specialist Grace?" Y/N repositions to have her arm around my waist before answering. "We have a special room downstairs that has no technology she can access. It should be the safest place for her abilities to cool off."

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