I Hate Hospitals

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Wanda POV-

I slowly begin to wake up and become aware of my surroundings. I open my eyes to see a light blue colored blanket covering my body and tons of wires and needles connected to me. Y/N has her head resting on the side of my bed and her hand is holding mine. Her left shoulder is in a black sling and her shoulder looks like it is wrapped up underneath her large shirt.

I look up to finally notice everyone else. All four kids are sleeping on the couches. Nat, Yelena, and Steve are sleeping in chairs. I don't see Stark but he is probably having to handle business. I do my best to squeeze Y/N's hand but it takes me a few tries to get my hand to respond.

She finally stirs and lifts her head off the bed, "Wanda?" Her eyes get watery as she stands up and moves forward placing her hand on my cheek. "Hi baby." She leans in so that we can kiss. When she pulls back, she pushes some hair behind my ear. "There, all better." She sits back down in her chair and takes hold of my hand again with a smile on her face.

I try to squeeze her hand again but the movement is hard. She can tell I am trying to do something, "Hey, shh, just talk to me." I don't understand what is happening. "What day is it?" A look of pity crosses her face, "Um, Friday." I bring my free hand up to my face shakily and rub at my forehead. "So, I've been asleep since Tuesday?"

Y/N nods. "Well, technically early Wednesday morning. You held the copter in place so I could take down Abigail then you passed out. Agent Wills was the one who took care of you. He carried you to the lifeboat while Agent Griffin helped me walk." Y/N begins to rub her thumb back and forth across the back of my hand.

"Those names don't ring a bell." Y/N lightly laughs under her breath. "I didn't find out Agent Wills name until like yesterday, and I asked Agent Griffin's her name before we attacked Abigail and Drew." Speaking of them, "Are they?" She knows what I am asking. "Yes, SHIELD sent down some divers to check out the wreckage as soon as they picked us up. They found both of their bodies down there. They're gone. They can't ever hurt us again all because of you."

Tears flood my eyes hearing her say those words. We're free. Y/N gets ready to ask but I clear the air, "Happy tears. I just can't believe it. What happened after I passed out?" Y/N lifts my hand up to her mouth and kisses my knuckles. "We got to the lifeboat and got far enough away that we didn't get brought down with the ship. A SHIELD plane arrived and picked us up. Then I passed out and woke up yesterday. I think both of us just needed some good sleep."

She laughs at her own joke which echoes around the quiet room. "Why am I here? What happened to me?" Her smile drops, "You had an intracerebral hemorrhage from hitting your head. Basically, a brain bleed." She adjusts her arm in the sling a bit like discussing this is hurting her. "Will I be okay?"

The breath I didn't know I was holding finally releases as she nods her head. "They were worried at first but they got the bleed under control. They assumed you would probably have some motor control pathways you would need to relearn but otherwise they said you were lucky." I nod. I'm okay. We're okay. We can finally have our happy ending.

"Now, what happened to you? Do I get to smack you for being an idiot?" She smirks, "Nope, Abigail got these shots off on me before you grabbed the helicopter with your abilities. That allowed me to shoot her then her body we assume was unable to understand what was happening. It shot off a ton of electricity which caused the copter to go down."

She holds my hand up to her face again and looks up at me. I glance around the room at everyone sleeping. "Have they been here the whole time?" Y/N nods. "Of course, Stark had to handle some meetings and logistics from the ship going down so he's watching Freya at the Avengers' facility. They didn't want to leave you."

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