Make Up Sex

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Wanda POV-

I put some food on a plate for Abigail and bring it down for her along with letting her go to the bathroom again. Y/N is waiting for me on the stairs with a big smile on her face on the other side of the barrier I put back in place to contain Abigail. "All good?" I nod and drop it. "All good, let's go home baby."

The kids, mostly Eli, Harlee, and Kali, wanted to come back to the townhome with us which we didn't mind. Peter tagged along of course. The six of us pile into Y/N's five seater car. Y/N turns around to look at the kids before putting the car into reverse. "Alright, don't act stupid back there and get me pulled over, okay?" They all nod their heads.

The two girls are sitting in the middle with Eli next to Harlee and Peter next to Kali. I don't even think they realize half the time that they always sit like that. I have Freya sitting at my feet between my legs in the front passenger seat. "Baby, I think you need a bigger car." All of the kids pipe in agreeing.

Y/N pets Freya's head then begins to back away from the facility. "I guess we do. I don't want to get rid of this car though. I love it." Y/N reaches over and takes my hand setting them in my lap. Her thumb rubs back and forth across mine. "We don't need to sell it, but we do need another. Plus, I don't have a car, so we can just call it mine."

Y/N smirks slightly before correcting me, "Ours. What's mine is yours and what is yours is mine." I let go of her hand and lift up my left to show her my engagement ring. "This ring doesn't have a friend yet, the wedding band, so nope, not the case yet." She does a grabby motion so I will hold her hand again. "Guess we need to pick a date, huh?" I nod. "Maybe once all this craziness calms down, we will have time to plan."

We pull up to the house and everyone piles out like a clown car. We follow the kids into their room, "Let us know if you guys need anything, okay? There's food in the kitchen if you get hungry. We're right upstairs so you can always just text us too." It is pretty late so they all four begin to get ready for bed. "Thanks Wanda. Goodnight!" Kali gives us each a quick hug before walking towards the bathroom.

Freya has jumped up on the girls' bed and curled into a ball with her ears still pointed straight up. Y/N pats her leg to get her attention, "Coming with us, baby girl?" Freya doesn't move and instead looks at the kids and back at us. "You can stay with them. That's fine. Keep an eye on them for us. We'll see you in the morning."

Y/N and I back out of the room and shut their door behind us. Immediately, I take off running towards the stairs quickly followed by Y/N. "Oh no you don't!" Y/N wraps her arms around my waist slowing me down as we make it to the second level. She spins me around placing me behind her before she goes running up the stairs.

"Hey!" As I make it up the last step she has her arms open for me waiting. I can't help it. I go running forward and jump into her arms wrapping my legs around her hips and my arms around her neck. Immediately, our lips find each other.

Y/N begins to move and then lowers me down onto the bed, so she is on top of me. We pull away for just a moment as my back hits the bed. "Wait, baby. Do we need to talk about today?" She trails her fingertips down my side and rests one hand on my hip, easily wiggling it underneath my shirt.

"I'm okay waiting until tomorrow. It's not time sensitive right?" I shake my head no and bite my lip. "Well then, let me show you how happy I am with you, the love of my life. Is that alright?" I move my hand behind her neck and move my fingers into her hair. "That is more than alright, and you know it."

I pull her down to me so that I can kiss her again not giving her a chance to speak again. Her fingertips send chills down my body as she begins to run them across my skin and up to my breasts. "I need this shirt off of you." I push myself up from the bed slightly so that she can take it off me. It takes her no time to reach around my back and very quickly unclip my bra as well.

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