Unexpected Growth

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Wanda POV-

We spend the rest of the night enjoying our time with our family before going to bed. I'm restless all night and I can't get comfortable in the morning as the sun starts to peak through the windows. I toss and turn trying to not wake Y/N but eventually I hear her sleep filled voice, "Love, is everything okay?" I roll onto my back and let out a sigh. "I'm sorry I woke you. I just can't get comfortable. I think I'm just going to get up and go get some coffee."

I push back the covers and attempt to get up with a little bit of difficulty. I can feel Y/N watching me as I walk around the bed and grab a hoodie. As I turn around and slip it over my head, Y/N's jaw drops open and she sits up in bed. "Holy shit, Wanda." She jumps out of bed and quickly walks over to me placing her hands on my stomach.

"What's wrong?" I look down and lift the hoodie back up to see. My stomach is definitely bigger than it was yesterday. I feel movement in my stomach as it feels like little hands or feet are kicking at me. "Woah," I place my hand over the spot and feel it again. I grab Y/N's hand and place it in the spot so she can see. "This is amazing, love."

She kneels down in front of me and places her forehead on my stomach. "Good morning babies, you guys kept your momma up last night." She and I both feel as they react to her voice. They kick and move some more. I run my hands through Y/N's hair, "They like your voice." Y/N kisses my stomach before standing up and kissing me. "I think we need to call that doctor back. I don't think you're twelve weeks pregnant any more." I shake my head no with a small laugh. "I agree but first, I need food."

With the hoodie on, it is hard to really tell that my stomach is bigger. We thought we would have months to prepare a baby room but depending on how far along I am today, I think we have much less time than we originally thought. It is still early when Y/N cooks me breakfast. "Here you go babe." She slides a plate filled with breakfast food in front of me. "Thank you." I am starving. I clear my plate in a matter of minutes and get seconds.

Y/N rests her hand on my leg, "You don't feel like puking today right?" I shake my head no. "That probably means you're in the second or third trimester then now. We probably need to go shopping for some baby stuff today if you're up for it." I nod, "How do we want to rearrange the townhome to make a baby room?" Y/N shrugs, "We could just convert the second floor into their space since it has a door to each stairwell to secure the room. We need to baby proof too."

Y/N runs her hands through her hair. "Hey," I reach over and take her hand. "I'm the pregnant one, breathe. We have our entire family that can help us." Right on cue, Nat comes walking into the room. "Morning lovebirds." She pours herself a cup of coffee as Y/N speaks, "Can you call the doctor to come back this morning?" Nat turns around with a confused expression on her face.

"Uhm, why? Everything okay?" I stand up and turn to the side before lifting my hoodie to reveal my bigger stomach. "Holy-," I can feel the babies start to move again. "Here," I take her hand and position it on my stomach. Her smile continues to grow, "Hey babes, I'm your Auntie Nat." I can feel them kick around some more as she speaks. "That is incredible." I nod. "So yeah, we need to see how much they grew overnight. I think I'm going to be giving birth sooner than expected."

Nat makes the call and the doctor arrives within the hour. I take a seat on the chair and lift up my hoodie as the doctor pulls out the gel to do another ultrasound. "Well, they definitely grew Ms. Maximoff." The gel is cold as it hits my stomach which sends shivers down my spine. Y/N holds my hand just like last time as we watch the little monitor.

"Would you like to know the genders?" Y/N looks to me for an answer. I look up at my fiancée and nod with a smile. The doctor moves the sensor around my stomach some more. "You are having two boys. They look like they are about six months old now." Y/N leans down and presses her forehead to mine. I can feel a tear of hers drop onto my face as my own tears slip down my cheeks, "Billy and Tommy." I nod and tilt my head back to kiss Y/N. These boys are going to be here soon.

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