New Addition to the Family

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"Can you hand me the drill? This is the last one." Wanda leans down and grabs the drill for me off the ground while I hold the lock in place. "Here. Feel better now?" I slide the new lock that can only be locked from the inside into place along with the dead bolt. I already installed the floor lock on the sliding back door. "Yes, let me make sure everything is working."

I pull up my phone and open the app to see all of the camera feeds. There is one outside camera facing out from the front door towards my car, one outside camera pointed to the back yard space, one inside camera pointed to the living room where the backdoors are, and one inside camera covering the hallway leading to the front door.

"Everything is working." I hand Wanda my phone to show her as I walk into the living room space and start jumping up and down waving my arms facing the camera. Her laughs echo off the walls as she walks into the living room to see me. She keeps looking down at the phone then back up at me.

I sit down on the couch and hold my arms out waiting for Wanda to join me. "You know, we're still missing something." Wanda scrunches up her nose as she looks at me. "I know, the pictures. We still need to figure out what pictures though."

I shake my head no as she sits down next to me resting her head on my shoulder. "Nope, what else did we talk about, specifically at Hydra?" She clicks off my phone, setting it down next to us. "A dog?" She pulls back to look at me as a smirk crosses her face.

I nod. "Wait, are you serious? Baby, I've never had a dog. I don't know how to-," I cut her off by squeezing her hand. "They are easier than you think. Plus, this is good practice since we want kids. We could go to the shelter tomorrow if you want. There's no one to tell us no." She seems a bit hesitant until she begins nodding, "Yes, let's do it."

We crawl into bed for the night and dig through my phone to find pictures that we want to hang up on the walls. We narrow it down to about ten various pictures for now. "Don't forget the one Kali wanted printed." Wanda adds a second copy of that one picture so we can give one to Kali.

Happy with our choices, she places the order. I turn off the light and pull Wanda into me, an air of uncertainty present. "Are you going to be able to sleep, baby?" Wanda draws circles on my chest with her nails as she speaks. "I hope so. Maybe I can dream of our new family member."

Even in the dark, I can see how excited she really is. "Sooner you sleep, sooner we can go meet that new family member. Just wake me up if you need me, okay?" I kiss the top of her head as she settles down, nuzzling into my shoulder. "I know, goodnight, babe." I envy how quick she can fall asleep. She mumbles out two words before she drifts asleep, "G'night baby."

Wanda POV-

Y/N and I get ready in the morning then hop into her car to drive to the shelter. "Did you tell anyone we're doing this?" I shake my head no. "Good, I want to surprise them. The kids are going to love it." Y/N laughs as she squeezes my thigh.

I feel a little nervous as we get out of the car and walk towards the door of the building right as it opens. "Ah, good morning. Welcome in. Dogs to the right. Cats to the left." Y/N thanks the female worker then guides me to the right.

I can hear the barking before we open the door to that side of the building. Once the door is open, it just reverberates around the cement walls. There are rows and rows of dogs of all ages, colors, sizes. "Any idea what you are kind of looking for, so I know?" I shake my head. "Won't we just know once we meet the one?" I emphasize "the one".

Y/N nods as she wraps her arm around my waist, and we begin looking into all of the kennel spaces. "Have you done this before, picked one? I mean how do we pick only one?" Her laugh helps to soothe my nervous energy. "I have. We had a couple of dogs growing up. I always liked coming to the shelter instead of a breeder. These guys need us more."

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