Family Chaos

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Wanda's stomach seems to finally settle after she eats breakfast. I reach over and place my hand on her leg as we all sit at the dining room table chatting with each other. She places her hand on top of mine with a smile on her face. Her fingers tap along each of mine as she practices her fine motor skills.

Peter draws me out of my daze, "So, anything you guys want to do today?" I shrug and look over at Wanda. "I'm okay just hanging out. Love?" Wanda shakes her head. "No, I'm still feeling just kind of off so nothing crazy." The kids all nod but I can see an excited look forming in Kali's eyes.

"Can you come watch us spar again?" I lightly squeeze Wanda's leg as she lovingly looks over at me before answering them, "Of course. Go get ready and we'll meet you downstairs in the training room." All four kids jump up from the table and rush away towards their rooms to put on workout clothes.

Nat starts picking up their deserted plates, "All they want is your attention and approval. They were so worried about both of you." As Nat walks by, I lightly place my hand on her arm. "That's actually something we wanted to talk to you about. We think it might be time for us to-," I get cut off by Harlee's screech laugh combination as Eli comes chasing her back into the room.

"Eli!" They end up on opposite sides of the table as Eli tries to catch Harlee. "There's no where to go Har! Just accept defeat!" He jukes to one side but quickly turns back and they both race around the table again. Wanda scrunches up her nose with a laugh as she looks back and forth between the two of them. I love that they finally get to be just kids.

Harlee pauses in her movements for a quick second and then splits into three of herself. "Not fair! Two can play at this game." Eli raises his hand and forms a barrier on the right side of the table to prevent Harlee from escaping again. He runs around the table and wraps his arms around the Harlee in the middle of the three. They all merge back into one as she accepts defeat.

"I don't know how you can always tell which one is the real me." Eli just shrugs. "A magician never reveals his secrets." Harlee lightly smacks his arm as he finally lets go with a laugh. I stand up from my chair and usher them out of the room, "Alright, no more abilities in here. Go downstairs lovebirds." Shortly after Eli and Harlee leave, Peter and Kali come out of their rooms and start to walk towards the training room. "Guess that is our cue," I offer my hand for Wanda to take before guiding her downstairs with me.

Wanda POV-

The kids spar back and forth for a bit before finally calling it quits. Y/N and I praise all four of them and make sure they know we are proud of them. I am glad they feel comfortable around us. They have transformed into amazing and confident young adults since we left Hydra.

Freya has still not left me alone today. As the kids all leave the room, she nudges my stomach a couple of times and sniffs really hard. "What is it sweet girl? Did I spill something?" I look down but I don't see anything on my shirt. "Wonder why she is acting so weird today." Y/N reaches down and pets her head but Freya keeps her nose pressed to my stomach until we return back upstairs.

That dream felt so real last night. What if? No, that's not possible. Freya continues to follow me around the rest of the day without fail. Normally, she keeps an eye on the kids and hangs out with them but not today.

Nat makes dinner with Steve for all of us but none of it looks good to me. My stomach still feels unsettled. "Baby," I place my hand on Y/N's arm to get her attention after dinner. I barely touched my food. I just moved it around the plate a little bit. "Yeah, you okay?" I shake my head no once and she follows me out of the room. Freya of course follows us.

As we move out of ear shot of everyone, Y/N speaks again as she takes my hands in hers. "What's wrong? Are you going to be sick again?" I can't help it. I blurt out the words, "I think I might be pregnant." Y/N pulls me into her arms for a hug which surprises me. "Love, I hate to break it to you but it's not possible for me to impregnant you."

As I pull back, a small smile rests on her face. I start to ramble as tears fill my eyes, "I had a dream last night that we had two baby boys and it, it seemed so real. I woke up and all I could think was that I wanted kids. Then boom, Freya won't leave me alone and I puked this morning and what if I'm pregnant?"

The slight smile on Y/N's face drops for just a moment, "Did you-," Her words drop off. "No. No! Baby, I would never. It is you. Only you. I swear to you. I don't know how but I just have this feeling. Feeling that I am pregnant." My heart is racing as I wait for her to say something, anything.

"Okay, um, why don't we get you a pregnancy test then?" I nod as I squeeze her hands in mine. "I swear to you Y/N. It's only you. I didn't cheat. I promise, really, I could never." She pulls me forward and gently places her lips against my forehead. "I believe you, love. We still don't really know the extent of your abilities. It could be that you wanted kids and your body provided." She believes me. I can't believe she believes me.

"Why don't you go sit with the kids in the living room? I'll handle the pregnancy test." I nod slowly. "Um, okay. We're really okay?" She nods. "Yes, love. Breathe. I promise." She walks back into the kitchen area with me but then breaks apart to talk to Nat as I move towards the living room with Freya.

I try to distract myself by watching tv with the kids but I find myself placing my hand on my stomach. Could I really be pregnant? I didn't even know that was possible. I don't know how much time has passed since Y/N went to talk to Nat but she eventually comes into the room and taps my shoulder. "Hey, can you help me with something in our room?" The kids barely even glance up at our interaction, thankfully.

Y/N takes my hand with her free one and walks me towards our room. "Y/N, I-," she stops me. "Wanda, I promise. We're okay. I trust you. You have never given me a reason not to." She shuts the door behind us after Freya follows us inside and pulls out a box of pregnancy tests and a small cup from the inside of her sling. She smiles as she catches me watching. "What? It's a really good pocket. Not like female clothes have pockets." I giggle at her antics as she tears into the box.

"Okay, so all you have to do is pee in this cup. Then we'll dip the pregnancy test into it. It should be a little easier for you to hold the cup too rather than the pregnancy test to pee." I shift my weight back and forth between my feet and I know she can tell I'm nervous. "Do you want me to go into the bedroom and wait?" I shake my head no quickly. "No, stay please."

Y/N averts her eyes as I attempt to pee inside the cup. "Okay, there." Y/N takes the cup from me as I pull my pants back up and flush the toilet. "So, now, we just stick this in here and wait." Y/N sets a timer on her phone for two minutes then turns around to face me. Her arms encase my body as I fall into her wanting only to feel her against me.

We don't speak as we wait for the timer to go off. Y/N rubs her good hand up and down my back slowly keeping me pressed against her. After what seems like years not minutes, the timer goes off. Y/N lets go of me and turns around so that we can look at the results. Her arm wraps around me as tears fill my eyes, the emotions of it all hitting me hard. "I'm pregnant."

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