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Wanda POV-

I wasn't allowed to explore when I was on this ship so I have no idea where to go. I keep my hand on Y/N's back as we slowly begin to move back in the direction we came from. She can feel my presence but we can stay smaller by moving in a single file. I force magic through my fingers so I can speak in Y/N's mind.

"Something is off. Where are the other SHIELD agents? Where did Secretary Ross go?" Y/N quickly glances over her shoulder at me before averting her attention off me again. "I don't know. I don't know what is happening." A sharp lurch of the ship sends Y/N and me stumbling towards the other wall.

"Fuck," Y/N wraps her arm back around my torso pulling me against her back. The floor doesn't level back out. It remains slightly slanted. "Come on, we need to move quicker." I place my hand back on Y/N's back then follow closely behind as she takes off at a light jog.

We have still not run into a single person by the time we reach the door leading out to the deck. Y/N hesitates as her hand rests on the door handle. She pulls out one of her pistols and adjusts her grip before pushing the door handle down and throwing the door open outward.

My eyes quickly scan the runway of the boat as my vision takes on a slightly reddish tint. Not a single person in sight can be seen, at least not in this moonlight. Y/N slowly begins to lower her gun down until an explosion sounds rocking the boat again. I duck down and stumble backwards smacking my head back onto the metal wall we were nearby as the ship lurches again.

"Shit, Wanda!" Y/N fell back but landed on her butt. She crawls over to me staying low. She takes my head in her hands as the floor begins to tilt again. "Are you okay?" She feels around in my hair surely feeling for blood. "Yeah, just shaken up. I'll be alright." I bring my hand up to my head to rub at the spot and my vision swims for a second.

The sound of metal breaking cracks through the air. I can smell smoke. "Y/N, we need to see what that is." She grabs ahold of my arm and helps me to my feet. My vision shakes as I try to blink away the disorientation. "Come on, I got you." Y/N wraps her arm around my torso to give me stability as we quickly walk towards a different door that is closer to the front of the boat.

The emergency lights are still blinking casting an eerie red light across everything. I can feel myself leaning into Y/N more and more as we continue to move. She checks her watch and I see we have seven minutes left. Time has never moved faster than these couple of minutes. We come across a ladder leading up that catches Y/N's attention.

"We're at the top level of the boat, where could this possible go? Maybe the main control and steering area?" I nod. That seems feasible. She gets ready to start climbing up when she stops. "You should go first, that way I can catch you if needed." I don't fight her on it. A sharp, painful headache has started pounding across the back of my head.

The ladder tunnel isn't very big. I could touch both sides of the walls without my arms needing to be straight. I get about halfway up when I pause and close my eyes trying to force the pain away. "Got it?" I can feel Y/N's hand as she places it on my leg. I nod before grabbing for another rung of the ladder.

The easiest part is over. I'll have no cover as I climb out of this tunnel and I am in no condition to defend myself for very long. I can hear beeping coming from some system control panel above me. Y/N taps my leg to get my attention and mouths, "I'm right behind you. Get up and take cover." I let out a deep breath and reach up to place my hand on the last rung of the ladder.

With one final pull, I yank myself up and onto the metal flooring quickly moving to allow room for Y/N to crawl out after me. It doesn't take long for me to notice the tied up SHIELD agents sitting along the outer walls of this room. "Hey!" I look up to see two men dressed in all black raise their guns towards me.

Without a second thought, a red energy shield bursts out of me encasing us both as the two men fire off a couple of rounds. Each shot sends my heart into a panic thinking back to when Abigail shot me at the Hydra base. Why didn't my body react like this when I got shot? The energy field absorbs the bullets preventing them from ricocheting. I collapse down to my back dropping the energy field as Y/N shoots back and hits her targets. I hear two consecutive thuds of their bodies dropping to the ground.

"Is everyone okay?" Y/N's voice sounds so strong. She kneels down next to me but I wave her away. "Go, help them. I just need-," my words trail off but she seems to know what I mean. I focus in on the sounds around me as my eyes close trying to help the pain in my head. I can hear Y/N cutting the zip ties around the agents' hands and removing the tape from their mouths.

"Can somebody explain to me what happened?" A female's voice speaks up first. "Hydra. We didn't see them coming at all. They picked us off one by one and forced us up here. We are at half capacity right now. Half the SHIELD agents normally here are in rotation while new ones are arriving tomorrow. There was an issue with the rotation, normally we aren't left unmanned like this."

Someone places their hands on my face, "Love, I need you to keep your eyes open, okay?" I slowly blink them open to see Y/N's concerned face. A man's voice speaks next, "There's been an explosion in the engine room. All of the sensors are going berserk right now. There might be a leak down there. I think we're taking on water." Y/N looks down at her watch again. I don't know how much time is left. Not enough. She easily takes charge, "Can everyone here move? Do we have any weapons?"

There is some shuffling but no response to the weapons question, "Yeah, we're all alright." Y/N helps me to my feet and places her hand behind my head as it rolls back. "Y/N, we, I, you need to go." She shakes her head. "No, I don't care about Abigail and Drew in this moment. It's always been you. I need you safe first. We need to get everyone out of here especially if this ship is going down."

Y/N starts ushering people down the tunnel before helping me down. There is a man at the bottom who helps me get down the last couple of rungs, "I got you, Ms. Maximoff." I feel useless and helpless. If only I hadn't hit my head. This is not how today was supposed to go. As a group, we all move back towards the main deck area.

"We are sitting ducks if we go out there. We don't know where or how many Hydra there are." Y/N looks down at her watch and scrunches her eyebrows together in heavy thought before speaking again, "Their helicopter should be landing any minute now. Stay here inside this door until the helicopter flies off. I'm going out there to try and get a shot on Drew and Abigail. When you make a run for it, get as far from the ship as possible so when it goes down, you don't get pulled down with it." I open my mouth to speak but words don't coherently leave my lips.

Thankfully, the man is still helping me stand because my body wants to drop. "Do you have an extra gun? I'll come with you." It is the same female voice as before; she much be in charge here. "I do, but only if you want it. You don't have to. This is my fight." She extends her hand towards Y/N, "Now it's our fight, ma'am. I got your back."

Again, words fail me. I feel some sort of liquid roll out of my ear and down my neck. All I manage to get out is, "Y/N." Her head turns towards me as she steps in front of me. "I got this. I promise. I love you." My headache pounds stronger with every beat of my heart. "I, I love, you, too."

Y/N locks eyes with the man helping me stand, "Please take care of her." He nods, "Yes ma'am." Y/N looks at me once more. I hate that look. I can tell she isn't sure she will come back from this. Her eyes scan over every detail of my face like she is trying to memorize every detail. She places her hand on the door as the female agent stands next to her ready to rush out. Y/N lets out one last puff of air before looking at me, "I'll see you tomorrow."

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