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Nat POV-

I finish giving Y/N all the information about the hospital before getting off the phone with her. Steve gives me a quick kiss promising to bring the kids when they wake up before I run off towards my car with Yelena.

We make it to the hospital in record time. Tony had already called ahead and gotten everything set up so Wanda and Y/N should be able to go straight up to their room. We ask the nurse at the front desk for the room number before climbing up a flight of stairs then down the hallway to their room.

The nurses are helping Wanda into the bed while Y/N anxiously oversees everything. Yelena moves towards Wanda while I gravitate towards Y/N after the nurses step away to get the doctor. "You doing alright?" She tries to play it off cool but I know she's internally freaking out. "Yeah, yeah. Are we ready for this? Kinda have to be, huh?" She nervously chuckles to herself.

"Hey," I place my hand on her arm, "You have all of us to help you guys out. You aren't alone in this." The doctor finally comes into the room to see how far along Wanda is. "Good morning, Ms. Maximoff. How are you feeling right now?" Y/N moves towards Wanda when she reaches out for her. "Good, just a little, ahh."

She squeezes onto Y/N's hand tightly as a contraction rips through her body. "How far apart are they happening right now?" The doctor looks to Y/N to answer as Wanda tries to breathe through the pain. "Um, I believe about ten minutes? They're getting closer together though." The doctor writes something down in Wanda's folder before putting on his gloves.

Wanda's breathing releases and her body seems to relax some as she comes out of the contraction. "Ms. Maximoff, I'm going to see how far along you are okay?" Wanda nods a couple times before dropping her head back against her pillow.

"Okay, looks like you are about three centimeters dilated. Are you wanting an epidural today?" Wanda opens her eyes to look to Y/N as she thinks it over. She looks back over at the doctor after Y/N squeezes her hand once. "Yeah, I do." The doctor throws his gloves in the trash can and writes something down in Wanda's folder again before heading towards the door. "We'll get that ready for you. Just hang tight."

The door clicks shut leaving us alone with the monitors beeping filling the silence. "Fuck, I don't want a needle in my back." Wanda raises her hands to cover her eyes, but Yelena stops her, "We're here for you Wands. Whatever you need. I know you can do this. We'll get you whatever you want to eat after."

Y/N lightly runs her fingers through Wanda's hair before leaning down to kiss her forehead. Y/N doesn't say anything. She doesn't need to. Wanda physically relaxes in Y/N's presence and comfort. My phone buzzes with a text from Steve in my pocket as I pull a chair up to sit at the foot of Wanda's bed. "Kids are up. We will be there soon." I type back a quick okay drive safe text before pushing my phone back into my pocket.

Yelena joins me in another chair as we wait with Wanda and Y/N for the doctor to come back with the epidural. Another contraction begins to rip through Wanda's body a few minutes later. I can tell she is in immense pain. She clenches her jaw together and holds onto Y/N's hand so tight like if she were to let go, something bad would happen. I'll never get to experience child birth and looking back I regret it. This is the one thing I'll never get to experience. At least I'll have my nephews, plus the kids. I didn't have to give birth to them for me to still consider them as my own, a part of my family.

Yelena reaches over and holds onto my hand as Wanda rides out the contraction. Eventually she collapses back into the bed and releases her death grip on Y/N. Yelena locks eyes with me for a moment and I know she is thinking the same things as me about being a mother.

A knock on the door interrupts the quiet space before the doctor comes back inside the room with two nurses. "Alright Ms. Maximoff, we have that epidural for you. It should help some of that pain you are feeling."

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