First Time For Everything

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Natasha POV-

Wanda ends up pacing and repetitively checking her phone for notifications from Y/N. She fiddles with her engagement ring as she sits at the kitchen counter, the optimal spot to see someone come home.

"How long has she been gone? It's almost dinner time." Yelena seems nervous too. The kids went back to Eli's room to play video games and hang out. "Couple of hours. I'll be right back. I am going to call her."

I walk back to my room leaving Yelena in the living room. The phone rings numerous times before she finally picks up on one of the last rings. "Y/N? Where are you?" I can hear her shuffling around, "Hey Nattie, what's up?" Her words are all slurred together.

"Where are you?" She laughs lightly, "I'm at home. Where are you?" I look down at my watch. I can't believe she got drunk. "I'm coming to see you. I'll be there shortly, okay? Do you want me to bring Wanda?"

She quickly responds, "No, no! I don't want her to see me," she pauses, "like this. I can't believe I was actually able to get drunk. Didn't even take that much cause I haven't really eaten a lot. I'm just broken I guess." I don't want her to spiral which I fear is coming next. "I'll be there soon, drink some water okay?" She mumbles a soft okay before I click the phone off.

Yelena stands up from the couch when I walk back into the room. "I'm going to get her. Stay here with Wanda, okay?" She nods her head. "Tasha, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to cause this." I reach out grabbing her hand. "This wasn't you. Y/N is just working through some stuff. I think your friendship with Wanda caught her off guard is all."

I go to step away when she stops me, "Do you want me to tell Wanda where you are going?" I hesitate, debating what to do. "If she asks but don't let her go to Y/N yet. Let me talk her down first." Yelena walks towards Wanda while I head for the garage to go get Y/N.

I pull up to the house and park behind her car so she can't leave. The front door is already unlocked. "Nattie!" She has a beer in her hand as she stumbles out of the kitchen towards me. I shut and lock the door behind me before she wraps her arms around me.

"Hey Y/N, how much have you had to drink?" She pulls back and shrugs. Her breath wreaks of alcohol. "I don't know. Still going strong though. Normally I can't get more than a buzz with this enhanced healing bullshit. I don't know why it didn't stop me this time." She holds her beer out towards me, and I take the chance to grab it from her. "Come on, let's get you some food and water."

She sits at the kitchen counter swaying while I search for food. She messes with the brace that is still on her wrist. I find a box of pasta in the pantry. The carbs can help soak up some of that alcohol. "Nattie, where's Wanda? Is she okay?" The nickname is new from her, I wonder if she will remember tomorrow. "You told me to leave her at home. She's with Yelena right now. She's worried about you."

I set a plate of pasta in front of her with a fork, but she just picks it up with her hands. "You mean Lena?" She emphasizes her name. "Y/N, talk to me. I can't read your mind like Wanda." I lean forward taking a sip of water from my own glass.

She swallows her bite of food. "Did she have a thing with Yelena in the past?" I can't help but snicker under my breath. "What? Why are you laughing?" Y/N scrunches her eyebrows together looking mad.

"Y/N, Yelena is asexual. They are only friends, nothing more. The nicknames happened as an inside joke. They really only spent about two weeks together hanging out before Yelena was called away again. Wanda doesn't trust a lot of people, but she learned that she could trust Yelena because she trusted me."

Y/N's jaw opens as she takes in what I just said. She drops her head down into her hands before quickly looking back up at me, "But wait, what was happening early? It felt like I was out of the loop on something."

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