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We end up agreeing to stay at the Avenger's Facility since stairs aren't the easiest yet for Wanda and our bedroom is on the third floor. Plus, we at least have some help here. Wanda apologizes to Yelena a couple times throughout the day for taking her bedroom again. "Wands, I would much rather we have you here. I don't mind staying with Natasha. I promise."

We barely make it to dinner time before Wanda and I are both ready to sleep. The kids take Freya outside for us before she follows us to our bedroom. Nat follows close behind us making sure we make it. She hovers in the doorway as Wanda moves to sit on our bed. "Let me know if you guys need something, okay?" Freya jumps up onto the bed and curls up at the foot of it. "Promise Nat. Thanks."

She bows her head slightly before stepping back and shutting the door. Wanda lets out a sigh of relief as the door finally shuts and she lays down on the bed. "I could tell you were needing to get away soon." A small smile flirts across her face. "You know me so well."

I want to change my shirt but as I stare into my small travel bag, I don't know what I can make work. I hardly hear her coming as Wanda approaches behind me and wraps her arms around my waist. "Would you like some help?" I nod. "Well, we could cut one of your shirts to make it like a slip jacket so you wouldn't have to lift your arm. Or we could try putting you in one of your shirts but we might have to cut part of the sleeve so you can fit the bandage."

I lean down and pull out the hoodie Wanda got me as a gift. "Could you help me maneuver this across my body? I can take the sling off and just hold my arm still." Wanda's nose crinkles, "So that is a no to cutting up one of your shirts." I reach up and start messing with the clip that holds my sling together. "I like my shirts plus this is just temporary." She nods.

"Okay baby, here." She does her best to help me get the plain hospital shirt off my body. "We could just cut this off." Wanda giggles as she grabs some scissors from the bathroom. "So now you want to cut this off." She emphasizes the word 'now'. "This isn't technically mine so yeah." Wanda tries but her hands have trouble moving the scissors. I can tell she is getting frustrated.

"Hey, shh, let me cut. Can you just hold the shirt tight?" She hands me the scissors and applies some pull to make it easier to cut. She mumbles under her breath, "That's going to get old real fast." I set the scissors down and reach for her hand to interlock our fingers. "The doctors said it will take some time for your brain to relearn some motor pathways. Just try to keep that in mind."

Wanda helps me get the now cut shirt off my body leaving me in my sweatpants and sports bra. "I don't know if my fingers are going to be much help to get this on, baby." I pick the hoodie up off the bed. "We'll take it slow. We just need to slip it over my left arm first then the rest is easy." It takes a couple tries but we manage to get my hoodie on over my head. It gives my bandaged shoulder plenty of room without being tight, thankfully. "See? Easy peasy."

We both move into the bathroom to brush our teeth before collapsing into the bed. The sun has just slipped below the water level outside so our room is quickly getting darker. Wanda's voice comes out soft, "Can I?" She fades out. "Of course, come here. This shoulder is fine, love." I already slept on the left side of the bed so it worked out that we didn't have to switch.

"I always want you in my arms. You don't have to ever ask." I tilt my head to the side to kiss hers. "Yeah, I just want to make sure I am not hurting you." I pull her as close to me as possible with my right arm as she nuzzles into my right shoulder. Her hand finds mine and begins messing with my fingers. She touches each one of her fingers to mine in a repetitive manner. Her movements are slightly jerky and not in a constant tempo but she's trying. This is good practice for her.

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