It's Just Precautionary

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I can tell the kids are forcing forward smiles tonight. They keep sneaking glances at both Wanda and me nervously. We eventually all move into the living room to watch a movie before I can escape for a moment. I whisper in Wanda's ear that I'll be right back so she stays with the kids. I tap Nat's shoulder lightly as I walk past her and nod my head nonchalantly towards Stark's lab area.

She picks up my cues and follows right behind me. "What are we doing?" She follows me into the room and I wait to speak until the door shuts. The printer finished printing the couple sheets of paper that I needed so they are just sitting in the tray. I find a pen on one of the tables and begin filling out the forms.

Nat leans over my shoulder to read as I finish signing them. "Power of attorney?" I nod my head then click the pen closed before looking up at her. "These documents authorize you as my power of attorney. If something happens," she gets ready to cut me off but I stop her. "I know. Just let me finish please."

She closes her mouth to let me continue, "This gives you full legal authority to handle everything including my car, house, and my money. If," I make sure to emphasize it. "If something happens, I just want you to split everything three ways between Eli, Kali, and Harlee, okay? That is all that needs to be said and I know it is a little drastic but."

My words get softer before completely stopping. Nat picks up the forms and looks them over in silence. "Does Wanda know?" I click open my phone and show her my text feed with Wanda. It shows our short conversation about the power of attorney forms. "Everything split three ways?" I nod again.

"What about Freya?" Fuck. I hadn't thought of her like property. She's a part of this family, but Nat is right. Legal rights will need to be transferred to someone. "Um, I don't know. Can you just choose if it comes down to it? I don't care if it is you or the kids, truly. Just, take care of her please." I hate talking like this. I can feel my words getting shaky. I am barely holding it together.

"Of course. Now, let's go back to the everyone. I will handle everything if it comes to that but it won't." Nat punches my arm lightly as we leave the lab space to try and lighten the mood. "I know. Thank you, Nat. Again." She grabs my arm and pulls me against her into a strong hug. "Everything is going to be okay. I promise. I hope we are overpreparing for this mission but I also know Hydra. Come back home to us, okay?" I nod my head against her shoulder as I hold on a little tighter until I reluctantly let go.

When I walk back into the room, the lights are off and they have started a movie. Wanda takes my hand and guides me around the couch to the empty space next to her. We interlock our fingers and rest them in her lap as her voice fills my head, "Everything all good?" She turns her head to the side to try and read my facial expressions. "All good. Signed the form. Told Nat what I wanted just in case." Wanda gives my hand a quick squeeze, "Thank you for thinking of our kids, baby." She drops her head down to rest on my shoulder as we continue watching the movie with everyone.

When the end credits finally roll, I can see that everyone is tired. All the adults fade out first as Wanda and I clean up a little bit before heading towards the hallway of bedrooms. "You guys will be here in the morning, right?" Kali asked the question but Eli and Harlee are listening for our answer. "Yes, we don't have to leave until tomorrow late afternoon. Try to get some sleep, okay?"

Peter is leaning against his doorframe allowing us our moment as the three kids group hug with Wanda and me again. Wanda looks at each of them as she speaks, "We love you, guys." They all mumble their own variations of goodnights and love you before walking into their own rooms.

Freya decided to join us tonight. She must be able to tell that something is going on. I start changing my clothes when I realize, "Oh shit, we need to bring food down to Abigail." I unplug my phone from its' charger and manage to take a couple of steps before Wanda catches me. "I already got it, baby. Relax. Everything is under control."

She rubs her hands along my upper chest and across my shoulders as she looks at me. "Sorry, I'll uhm, are you ready for bed?" I motion behind us to our old bed. Yelena didn't mind staying with Nat so we could sleep here again. Wanda stares into my eyes for a moment longer like she is searching for something before turning off the bathroom light and following me to the bed.

Freya curls up between our feet at the foot of the bed while Wanda settles into my chest like normal. Her words vibrate against my skin as she whispers, "You going to be able to sleep?" I half shrug, "Hopefully. Don't worry about me. I know you're exhausted. G'night babe. I love you." She nuzzles into me once more, "Goodnight baby. I love you too."

Wanda POV-

I roll over in the morning to find Y/N still sleeping, to my surprise. She probably didn't sleep great last night. I throw on her hoodie from yesterday and try to carefully sneak out of the room. Freya doesn't even move from the end of the bed. As I inch towards the kitchen, Eli, Harlee, and Kali's doors are all open, but they aren't inside.

I pop my head into the living room to find the three of them sleeping on the furniture. The living room has a direct view to the main areas of the house. I hope they didn't sleep out here in fear of missing us leave. I walk into the kitchen and turn the coffee maker on to start brewing. The smell of the coffee quickly fills the room.

I heat up some leftover food from the fridge for Abigail and grab her a water bottle. This is the last time I have to do this. I didn't wait for Y/N yesterday. It didn't take long and I didn't want a repeat potentially since Abigail seems to be most triggered by Y/N. I grab the food and water then begin to walk towards the staircase that leads to the basement.

I put up another barrier in the stairwell in case Abigail attempts to escape before I open the vault door. "Wanda, good morning." Her voice still sounds sleepy. She must have woken up recently. I set the food on the table for her while she stumbles to the bathroom. We have a pretty decent routine set up.

As I get ready to leave, Abigail raises her hand to stop me. "Wait, can I, I just wanted to apologize. I shouldn't have tried to move towards you guys the other day. I get why you are fearful to trust me. I have only ever been your enemy. I won't fight you guys when you try to transport me. I just wanted to let you know that."

I hesitate in the doorway unsure of how to respond or what to tell her. I finally settle on a simple response, "Thank you. I appreciate it, Abigail." What angle is she trying to play? I don't tell her anything else just to be careful. I step out of the doorway and shut the door behind me before returning upstairs without another word.

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