Suspiciously Quiet

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Wanda POV-

Y/N and I follow Steve down towards where we have been keeping Abigail. Her grip on my hand remains firm as she takes deep breathes. When we get down there, Stark is standing with the casings he developed for Abigail. He hands them to Y/N as I let go of her hand to open the door. "Go, wait at the top of the stairs. I'm going to put a barrier up just in case."

Steve looks hesitant to leave but he follows after Stark. I throw up a boundary along the stairs before pulling open the door. "Wanda? Y/N?" Abigail stands up from her spot in the corner of the room. Her eyes go wide as she looks at the hand casings in Y/N's hands. "Those are for me, huh? Time to go?"

She looks to me for an answer. "SHIELD is here to transport you to the secure prison. Can you put your hands out for us? We need to put these on you. They won't hurt." When she lifts her hands up, I can see the slight shake of her fingers. Y/N stays silent and moves forward to slip the casings on. "Can I know what these do?"

I stay silent but Y/N mumbles under her breath, "I want to come home to my family so this just keeps us safe." Abigail gulps slightly. "How are they?" Y/N doesn't respond. I can see the muscles in her jaw tighten. Abigail seems to get the message and doesn't say anything else. Y/N grabs her arm and begins to walk with her out of the small room. I remove the barrier in the stairwell and move behind Y/N and Abigail to follow them up the stairs.

We all move in silence. Stark and Steve lead the way. Y/N walks with Abigail, and I walk behind. If needed, I can easily grab her with my magic from this vantage point.

The SHIELD agents are waiting for us on the helipad with their arms folded across their chests. Their weapons are on full display on their hips. Nothing is said as Y/N guides Abigail into the helicopter. I follow behind and sit on the other side of Abigail. That way she is sandwiched between us. The two SHIELD agents join us in the seating area of the helicopter while the pilot starts up the engine. I can see Stark standing back a couple feet while Steve gets ready to shut the door. He locks eyes with me once more. He holds my gaze like he is trying to commit this moment to memory before he closes the door and steps back.

Thankfully, the helicopter ride only takes about two hours. My butt is completely numb from these terrible plastic seats by the time we touch down. Ten fully armed men are waiting for us as we climb out of the helicopter. Standing behind them is no other than Secretory Ross. He ushers us to go inside since it is too loud out here to talk. It looks like a storm is pushing its' way towards us.

We move in a similar formation as before. The two soldiers that flew with us lead the way. Y/N guided Abigail and I walked behind them. The only difference is that the other ten men surrounded our little group. Secretary Ross falls into line next to me as we enter into the ship and begin to climb down the stairs to the prison cells.

My memories of this place are traumatic to say the least. It took weeks for my body to feel back to normal after being released from that straight jacket. That is when I got closer to Steve, after he rescued us. He was like an older brother to me. It only made me miss Pietro more after that. Steve has been protective ever since. Being around Secretary Ross is unnerving. I don't think he ever truly forgive us.

We finally make it down to the bottom floor and enter a circular shaped room. This is the same room that I was held in. I glance over at the cell I was trapped in for days. "Abigail Grace." Secretary Ross' words pull me out of my head and back to the present. I never told Y/N about this. It wasn't intentional, but I'll have to bring it up when we get home.

The agents take Abigail from Y/N and begin to move her into her cell as Secretary Ross begins to ramble. Y/N moves back over to my side and places her hand on my lower back comfortingly. "You are being placed in this secure SHIELD facility for your crimes related to Hydra." She kept her word. Abigail didn't fight against us transporting her and she is cooperating now. It still doesn't sit well with me that she is being so complicit.

"Do you have any words for the forceable future while all are present that you would like to go on the record?" There is clearly a protocol Secretary Ross is following. This sounds very rehearsed. Abigail rotates her body so she is facing Y/N and me. "Um, yeah. Wanda and Y/N, I just wanted to say that I am sorry." She clearly hesitates in her next wording before continuing as she looks around at the SHIELD agents in their body armor.

The slight look of sorrow fades into a malicious smirk, "I'm sorry that I didn't take my chance to kill you both when I had the chance. Hail Hydra." The lights cut out leaving the entire room in pitch blackness. Everything seems to slow down as I feel Y/N wrap her arms around my body tightly and pull me back with her until we hit a wall. It takes only a few seconds before the emergency lights cut on casting a reddish glow over everything but by that point Abigail has the hand casings off. Y/N and I push back so we are hidden behind a desk that was put here for the guard on duty.

Three of the SHIELD agents are fighting by Abigail's side and have managed to take out multiple of the guards already. The element of surprise gave them the advantage. Secretary Ross is gone along with two other guards. They must have rushed him out of the room as soon as the lights cut. I don't know where they think we went but clearly they don't see us.

One of the guards picks Abigail up and spins her around in his arms. Her laughs echo across the walls. "I couldn't believe it. Not until I saw you for myself. How are you here?" The guard detaches his helmet and pulls it off his head. "I had to come rescue you, Abby. You didn't really think I would leave you, did you?"

One of the other guards looks down at his watch before addressing the guy who is standing with Abigail. "Sir, we need to move. We have fifteen minutes until the extraction team will arrive and we need to get back to the top deck." Y/N, next to me, starts a timer for fifteen minutes so we can keep track of the arrival point. This has all happened so fast. One minute, Abigail was being put into her secure prison cell and the next she is free.

Abigail stretches out her fingers and sends out little electrical shocks. "Drew, what about Wanda and Y/N? They're going to be our biggest threats for getting us off this boat. I thought we were going to wait until they were headed back home to push for the extraction?" The man shrugs, "I couldn't wait any longer. We can handle them." The two guards still wearing their helmets begin to usher them out of the room.

The door clicks shut behind them leaving the circular room in total silence. Neither Y/N nor I dare to move yet. One more minute passes before either one of us dares to speak. Y/N opens her mouth to speak first. Her face looks pale in the red security lighting like she just saw a ghost. "Drew, he's alive. I watched him die. How can he be alive?"

I can tell Y/N is running through so many possibilities in her head right now. I wish I had an answer for her. Hydra must have some new technology capable of saving someone. Still, he put a bullet through his head. "Could it not be him? Hydra could have used plastic surgery to change someone's features to look like him." Y/N rubs her temple, "Remember when I had that really bad breakdown at the house when I went outside and I had that memory of Drew flood my head? Last time it happened was because I learned the true extent of my abilities and I connected to Drew. We couldn't figure out why my body did it that last time though. What if it was because Drew was brought back to life? That just means that it is in fact Drew and not a doppelganger."

I think back to when Abigail reacted to Y/N, "This explains Abigail's reaction when she saw the burns on your arms. She knew what they meant. It is probably why she attacked you. It made sure we tried to get her here sooner rather than later." Y/N looks down at her watch. "We have twelve minutes and counting until the Hydra extraction team will get here. Where the hell are all the SHIELD agents?"

I shrug in frustration, "Do we try and stop them?" Y/N looks over at me. I know we are having the same internal debate within our heads. If we let them escape, we would be safe for now. But there is no guarantee that Abigail and Drew don't try and hunt us down again, or the kids. This is the whole reason we accompanied the transport team. We were the best choice for this mission and we wanted to protect our family. Y/N nods, "I think we have to, because if something happens later in the future, we will regret not potentially stopping them when we had the chance."

Y/N looks down at her watch again. "Eleven and a half minutes. We need to go." Y/N offers me her hand to help me off the floor. "What's the game plan?" Y/N adjusts the handguns around in her grip. "We kill these sons of bitches and put an end to this. For our family, for us." I step forward to kiss my fiancé. Once we separate, Y/N and I start to jog towards the exit to this room. And now, the fun begins.

Repairing The Piecesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें