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Wanda POV-

Today is Peter's high school graduation. It has been a couple of days since I gave Y/N her ring. After Peter's graduation, I am going to make dinner for everyone then we are going to announce that we are moving out. Nat, Steve, Yelena, Stark, and Pepper already know but the kids don't.

"Does this look okay, baby?" I come out of our closet in the Avenger's facility in a white dress. Y/N turns around and her jaw drops. "Holy shit, babe. Not that you don't look amazing all the time but damn. Can I see that on our floor later? And the blonde wig is a nice touch." She walks up to me wrapping her arms around my waist with a cheesy grin on her face.

"Stark doesn't want us to be easily recognized. The red hair is kind of a key feature of mine. You have not been broadcasted on news channel after news channel for being a part of the Avengers yet. Just wait, one day you'll have to do this too." She lightly kisses my lips, so she doesn't mess up my makeup.

"I don't care as long as I get to be next to you." We grab our things and leave our room to meet up with everyone in the kitchen. Peter is already at the school for the ceremony with his Aunt May and Happy.

Yelena has brown hair today while Nat is blonde. The kids are all dressed up, but they didn't need any major makeover changes. Steve dyed his hair black. Stark and Pepper come walking into the kitchen, their arms hooked together. "Wow, hardly recognize you guys. You clean up nice." Stark's hair is a lighter brown than usual but not much different.

Pepper swats at Stark's arm. "You all look wonderful." We all pile into two cars. The kids hop into Y/N's car with me while Nat and Yelena are with Stark, Pepper, and Steve. The ceremony is outside so with all of us in sunglasses and different hair. We are hoping to not attract attention to ourselves.

Y/N hands me the pair of aviators she has deemed mine when we get there. She slides on a matching pair in a darker shade. We all huddle together and begin the walk to our seats. Y/N leans into my ear, "Power couple goals. You look amazing, Ms. Maximoff."

Y/N pulls back with a huge, smug smirk on her face, but I watch as it quickly drops. "Hey, you okay?" Her eyes are locked onto something in the crowd. "Baby," she shakes her head twice then glances back up at the previous spot. She finally looks at me. "I, uh, nothing. I'm good."

We find our seats then wave over Aunt May and Happy to us. Peter ended up having to tell her he is Spiderman when he moved into the Avenger's facility. He goes back and has dinner with her at least once a week and tells her PG level threat stories. Stark also promised to protect him.

Peter gets called across the stage in his dark blue cap and gown, "Peter Parker." We all clap like normal guests with a couple of whoops and hollers. We'll get to be loud and celebrate him later.

We find him after where Peter gives each of us hugs. "I'm so glad you all could come." He moves over towards Kali choosing to stand next to her. "Aunt May, you're coming over tonight right? Wanda is making dinner." She raises her eyebrows to look at me with a smile. "I wouldn't miss it." We take some pictures with him in his cap and gown before heading back to the cars. Peter rides back with his Aunt May.

"I love this picture," Kali shows me her phone. It is a silly picture of Peter, Kali, Eli, and Harlee. Eli and Harlee are laughing at each other. Peter is holding his diploma up into the air with his tongue out and Kali has her arms wrapped around Peter and making a face. "That would be a cute picture to get framed."

Kali gets excited, "Wait, can we?" I nod my head. "Of course, remind me and we can put in an order." My phone dings with some pictures from Pepper. There is one of Stark and Pepper with Peter, one with Aunt May, and the third picture has all four kids with Y/N and me. Two more pop in, one of Harlee and Eli and the second of Peter and Kali.

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