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Neither one of us speaks during our car ride back until I finally voice my thoughts. "What do I say to Wanda? I'm-," I pause trying to formulate my words. "Hurt by how she acted this morning. I'm not sure if I am ready to talk with her yet. What if she still acts distant?"

I pull onto the private road that weaves around the property and stops at the garage. "Well, it is your choice. Your feelings are completely valid. She was acting out of character, but we don't really know why. She yelled at Tony this morning before I woke you up."

I park my car and sit back to look at Nat giving her my full attention. "Why was she yelling at Stark? What did she say?" She unclips her seat belt but doesn't open her door yet. "Well, he suggested you go in to talk to Abigail because of all of us, you can heal." I nod my head unsure of why this upset Wanda.

"Wanda then got all upset that you are always being thrown into stuff like this. She said you have enough trauma from Abigail and don't need more essentially. She said to stop treating you like you're expendable then offered to go in instead of you." I lift my hand to my hair and run my fingers through it a couple of times. "Fuck, I feel like an ass now."

I lean forward and rest my forehead against the steering wheel. Nat places her hand on my shoulder to get my attention, "What? Why?" I let out a deep sigh, "She brought up last night how she doesn't want to lose any more family. I think she feels like I take the brunt of everything, so this was her way of helping. God, if I had known that this morning, I might have been able to talk her down from going in there by herself. Ugh, I should have realized."

I notice movement out Nat's window and spot my fiancé standing outside the garage door with her hands folded across her chest like she is cold. "Wanda came outside. I'll meet back up with you later, okay? Thank you for being there for me today." Nat reaches down and squeezes my hand once, "Always. Thanks for not shutting me out." She winks at me before opening her car door and walking towards the facility.

She and Wanda clearly exchange quiet words, but I can't hear them even with my somewhat advanced hearing. I slowly walk towards Wanda trying to gauge the situation as she forces forward a small smile. "Hi baby," I take a couple more steps forward until I am close enough to reach out and touch Wanda. She doesn't sound upset in her voice.

She uncrosses her arms from her chest and awkwardly hangs them by her side. "I um, I don't really know what to say right now, Wanda." She messes with the hem of her shirt as she stands in front of me. A single tear sneaks out of her eye and rolls down her cheek revealing her true emotions currently.

Her next words come out shaky and quiet, "Are you mad at me?" I close the distance and wrap my arms around her waist pulling her to me to comfort her. "No babe. I'm not. I just wish you would have talked to me. That's all." She wraps her arms tightly around my neck.

We stand there swaying back and forth as we continue to hug. When she finally pulls away, she wipes at her eyes first. "Hey, talk to me." I offer my hands for her to take as she lets out a deep sigh. "Well, I had a meeting with Dr. Raynor while you were gone and kind of explained everything going on and updated her. One, she wants to see you today, and two, she told me I needed to talk with you."

She lets out a wet laugh as she drops her shoulders and posture. I can see her trying to hold in more tears. "I'm right here. Talk to me. What's that pretty head of yours thinking about?" I take ahold of her hand and tug slightly to get her to start walking with me.

We walk a couple steps before she starts to speak. "I shouldn't have pushed you away this morning and I let my abilities out and they hurt you and," she takes in a deep breath of air before continuing her ramble. "Why does everyone think you are invincible? You aren't. You can die just like everyone else. You do so much for us and take control and you're so good with the kids and Freya and I just, I just."

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