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I toss and turn all night. I try to limit my movements, so I don't wake Wanda, but it just makes me more antsy. At three AM, I finally decide to just get up and go to the conference room. At the very least, I can check on Abigail.

I throw on a hoodie and sneak out of my bedroom carefully shutting the bedroom door behind me. Freya didn't even move when I got up, choosing to stay with Wanda. I notice a small light in the kitchen as I get ready to exit the hallway of bedrooms. "Harlee?" Her head whips around to see me, shock clearly in her eyes. "Shit, you scared me. Hi, why are you up?"

I walk over to the fridge and grab a drink before answering, "I could be asking you the same thing." Harlee leans back on the kitchen counter and looks up to the ceiling releasing a slow, heavy breath of air. "Nightmares, and you?"

I step closer to her and match her position against the counter. "Not this time for me, thankfully. Just couldn't sleep. Too much on my mind as you can imagine. Want to talk about your nightmare?"

She drops her head down to rest on my shoulder as we stand there in silence for a moment. "It's always the same. I'm back in that room that we were exposed and gained our abilities. The sound of Nico's head pounding over and over against the metal just," she trails off.

"I have the same one. Well, same situation. I feel responsible. That maybe there was something I could have done instead of playing the part of Hydra for so long. Maybe you guys wouldn't have had to go through that entire process. We just wanted to take out Abigail's mom. She was in charge of all human testing in Hydra and the most responsible. I'm sorry, Harlee."

She lifts her head from my shoulder and looks at me with tears in her eyes. "You feel responsible? Y/N, you are the reason that Kali, Eli, and I are all here standing with you right now. You saved us. Yeah, we have abilities but here, we'll be able to use them for good. None of this is your fault. They threatened you, threatened Wanda. You had to do what you had to do. We hold no ill will against you."

She steps forward into my arms for a hug as she mumbles out a few words, "Thank you for saving us. I love being a part of this family." We stand there hugging for a bit until she finally pulls away. "We love that you are here, Harlee. Are you ready to go back to bed or you want to come hang out with me in the conference room? I wanted to check on Abigail then maybe go watch some tv."

She nods her head, "I like that plan. I'm not ready to go back to bed yet. I just don't want to have that nightmare for a second time tonight." I wrap my arm around her shoulders as we walk towards the conference room, "I get it. Come on, well just make sure she's still sleeping then we'll go into the living room."

Wanda POV-

I wake up in the morning to find Y/N's side of the bed empty. I reach my hand towards Freya and begin to scratch her body. "Where'd she go, Freya?" Her ears stick straight up, and she cocks her head from side to side as she looks at me. "Let's go find Y/N, sweet girl."

I walk into the kitchen first and see a half full glass of water sitting next to the sink that I don't remember being there last night. Weird. I bring Freya outside to go to the bathroom before continuing our search. As I walk into the living room, I find Harlee fast asleep on the couch first with a blanket covering her. Y/N is asleep in one of the oversized chairs curled into a ball and the tv is still turned on, just muted.

I tiptoe over to her and sit down on the edge of the cushion. I lightly place my hand on her shoulder to wake her. She'd probably benefit from more sleep in our old bed than here. "Baby, wake up." She groans slightly as I push on her shoulder. "Babe, it's early, let me sleep longer."

She finally forces open her eyes and notices where she is. She looks confused until recognition dawns on her face. "Do you want to go to our bed? It is probably more comfortable." She lifts her head off the chair cushion and pushes herself upright. "Yeah, that sounds better."

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