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I wake up to the light filtering into our room and Wanda's head tucked into my shoulder. I turn to my side and pull her naked body against mine. A soft hum vibrates from her as she nuzzles into me closer. I tilt my head back enough to look at her neck. It is covered in hickies. I can only imagine that her chest looks the same way. Wonder when she will notice.

Wanda readjusts against me and trails her hand up my chest to rest on the side of my neck to get my attention, "G'morning baby." I love her hoarse voice in the morning. I kiss her forehead and a small smile forms on her face. Her eyes remain closed as she stays against me.

My phone keeps buzzing on my bedside table, and I know I need to check it. "Wanda, love, I need to grab my phone." She scrunches up her face and holds onto me tighter as I roll onto my back and reach behind me for my phone. "Really babe?" She laughs as she readjusts against me with most of her body lying on top of me. I pull the comforter up over her back, so she doesn't get cold.

I click open my phone and look at my missed texts. I have a couple from the kids asking if we are awake yet and one from Nat asking when we are going to come back this morning. "Fuck, we need to get up." I tap lightly on Wanda's back with my hand and begin to move out from under her.

I move into my closet first and grab a pair of sweats and a t-shirt to throw on before moving into our bathroom to get ready. When I come out, Wanda is wearing yoga pants and one of my hoodies. I grab my phone and keys off my bedside table but pause in front of Wanda. I pull her to me and lovingly kiss her lips.

"Once we get back to the facility, we can talk about everything that happened yesterday. Does that work? Nat was just asking when we are coming back, and the kids are asking if we are awake, so we don't really have time right now." She nods her head. "Of course, baby. We're okay still right?" I lean forward and kiss her again. "We're okay. I promise. Come on, let's go see the kids and our doggo."

The smell of bacon fills the second floor stairwell as Wanda and I descend down the last flight of stairs. Eli and Harlee are standing at the stove cooking bacon and eggs while Peter and Kali are cutting up some fruit behind them. "Good morning guys, it smells really good down here."

Freya comes running up to us and moves between both Wanda's and my legs as we pet her. Harlee speaks first, "We fed Freya and took her outside so she is good. We cooked breakfast if you are hungry. We didn't get to cook dinner the other night so we figured we could make up for it with this."

I walk up to Harlee and give her a quick hug while Wanda gives Kali a hug. "Absolutely starving, thank you." I pat Eli's shoulder as I walk behind him towards the coffee machine. "Oh wait, we already made your coffees for you. Y/N, yours is the blue mug, and Wanda yours is the red."

Wanda sits down at the kitchen counter and hands me my coffee cup. "Thank you, love." I kiss the top of her head as I stand behind her. "And breakfast is served!" Peter finishes loading up the first plate with food and hands it to Wanda, "Thank you guys. This looks amazing." He hands the second one to me, "It really does. You are welcome any time if you're going to keep cooking for us." They all laugh as Wanda swats at me. "No, you are welcome over regardless of if you are cooking or not."

We all pile back into my car including Freya and head back towards the facility after we finish eating and cleaning up the kitchen. I glance in my rearview mirror at all of the kids rambling to each other about everything under the sun. I didn't realize how alone I had felt after my parents died until I joined the Avengers. Wanda reaches over and sets her hand on my leg with a smile on her face interrupting my thoughts. This is the normalcy we both crave, and we love it. We love our little family.

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