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I push open the door and rush out with my gun raised in front of me. I was right. The helicopter is close. I can hear the blades spinning as it gets nearer. The female agent behind me places her hand on my shoulder to get my attention quietly, "We need to find some cover."

I look across the runway of the ship and out at the water. It reminds me of the lake by the Avengers' Facility. My eyes fall upon a small cutout to our left that would provide us enough cover. "There," the female agent moves into position first then I squat down next to her. Without a moment to spare too. I hear voices approaching.

"Sir, the helicopter should be here in about two minutes." It must be one of the Hydra agents who was posing as a SHIELD agent. Another explosion sounds off in the distance causing the ship floor to tilt to a dangerous level. I lean in close to the female agent, "I didn't catch your name." She looks over to me, "It's Davina Griffin."

I nod, "Well, Agent Griffin, thank you for backing me up." I peek my head around the corner to get a quick look at the runway before moving back to my hiding spot. "It's Drew. He is standing with two other agents. I don't know where Abigail is or if there are more Hydra agents." Agent Griffin readjusts her grip on her pistol. "When do we move out?"

I hold my finger up to my mouth to quiet her as a nearby door creaks open. Footsteps begin to approach us until Abigail and two more Hydra agents walk past our hiding spot and continue towards Drew. "Took you long enough, what took you so long?" Abigail responds to Drew, "We were looking for Wanda and Y/N but couldn't find them. Also, couldn't find Ross. A real shame we couldn't duke it out one more time but they'll go down with this boat."

The helicopter finally has arrived. It flies over our hiding spot before hovering over the runway to touch down. Agent Griffin whispers under her breath, "When do we move in?" I hold up my hand to motion to her, "When they're loading onto the copter. They'll be more exposed. We only have one shot at taking them out. Drew and Abigail are the targets. They are the ones not wearing the head gear."

Another explosion sounds off that jerks the boat. The entire ship shifts to a forty five degree angle. I peek out around the corner again to see the pilot yelling down at Drew. "What do you mean you can't land?" Drew sounds pissed. "Climb? You're out of your mind!" The pilot shrugs his shoulders then throws down a rope ladder.

I pull my head back as Drew looks out at the runway of the ship. I know he can see how crooked it is. This ship is going down and he knows it. I motion to Agent Griffin, "Stay behind me and give them hell. We only have so many bullets so make them count." She nods. "Yes ma'am, I got your back."

One of the Hydra agents climbs up the rope ladder first. "One more then we move," Agent Griffin adjusts her position and readies herself to move. "Now." I jump to my feet and take off running towards the Hydra agents. Two shots from my gun and the two Hydra agents already in the helicopter fall out and hit the ground.

Drew raises his gun towards me and fires off a couple of rounds but I drop to the ground behind a metal barricade to avoid the shots. I glance over my shoulder to see that Agent Griffin matched my movements. I switch to a kneeling position and try to aim towards Drew and Abigail, but the other two Hydra agents empty their magazines into the barricade without a second thought as we take cover.

"Stay behind this barrier and cover me. Aim for the two Hydra agents. I've got Abigail and Drew." The helicopter is having trouble hovering low enough. The pilot yells down to Drew again, "I'm not going to have enough fuel to get back. We need to go, now!" Abigail grabs ahold of the rope ladder and starts to climb, "Leave her, Drew. We need to go!"

I tap Agent Griffin's shoulder before I stand up and take off running towards the Hydra agents. She's got a good shot. In a matter of seconds, the two Hydra agents left that were accompanying Drew and Abigail hit the ground, dead. Drew takes aim and fires his last three bullets towards me but misses, thankfully. He must not have done much training since dying the first time.

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