Chapter twelve

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*Three weeks later*
Layla P.O.V

"James come on!" I call up to my younger brother. It was half 7 in the morning so i couldn't blame him for being slow. "Sorry sis. Walking on crutches isn't easy." He said as he came down the stairs. Hobbling on him crutches.

I smile and hug him. He sighed. We still pinned for our parents but we both knew that we had to move on.

I pick up our bags. "Now James. Are you sure you want to stay here whilst I'm gone?" I ask.

Today I left with the yogs for Minecon. And James said he didn't want to go. But he'd made a new friend at school and his mother said she'd gladly look after him for the week. I thought it was to much to ask since they just met but she was instant on him staying.

"Yes Layla. I'll be fine. Just bring me back some stuff okay?" He said cheekily. I narrow my eyes playfully. "Being cheeky are we?" I ask. "Nooooo." He replies. Stretching the word.

I laugh and we walk out the house. I quickly lock the door and we walk to his friends house.

James's new friend was called Edward. He was a kind boy a little older the James. And their friendship was really strong.

"Are you sure you can handle him for a week?" I ask Jude. Edward's mum. She nods as James runs upstairs with Edward. "Yes. He's very much welcome here. As are you. Would you like a cup of tea before you go?" She offered.

I shake my head. "No thank you. I have to get to work before we all go to the airport. America is a long way away. And thanks again for this." I say. She smiles.

"No problem. Now get going. You don't want to be late." She hurried me. I smile and nod. "Okay. Bye!" I chirp before grabbing my bag and making my way to Yogtowers.


As soon as i walked in i heard Hat Films yelling out 'Monster Cocks'. That's normal.

I smile and leave my bag at the entrance. Walking up to the common room. "Hey guys!" I chirp as I walk in. "Hey Layla. You ready for Minecon?" Lewis asked. I nod. "Yup! I'm a little scared though." I admit.

"You'll be fine." Nilesy told me. I smile. "Thanks Nilesy. You probably understand." I say. He nods. "Social anxiety. Horrid thing." He shudders. I laugh and Hat Films walk in.

Gladly not yelling monster cocks.

"Hey you three. I heard you when I walked in." I laugh. They smile at me. But Ross only gives me a half smile.

He's been acting really weirdly around me lately. Even during recording he's always a little different. He oddly quiet and won't talk to me often. It's only happened over the past few weeks now.

At first we were best buds and now he's keeping his distance. I'm worried about him.

After the rest of the Yogs came to Yogtowers it was nearly 9 so we had to leave soon. The plane we had to catch left at half 10.


I sat in the car in between Sjin and Trott. It was a tight squeeze but i didn't mind. It was only for a few minutes while we went to the airport.

"So Layla. How's your first trip with us?" Turps asked. Recording for Yogs on Tour. I smile. "Amasjin so far." I joke. Sjin laughs and wraps and arm around my shoulder.

None of the Yognau(gh)ts knew about our relationship.

I hear Ross huff in the background and i yell "MINECON!!" which makes everyone laugh.

After we arrived at the airport we got our tickets and boarded the plane. I've only been in a plane once. And i was terrified.

I sat next to Sjin and cuddled up to him. I was tired from late night editing and waking up early.

I sent James a quick text to say i was on a plane and would be turning my phone off.

I yawned sleepily. "If you tired you can just sleep." Sjin told me as he pulled out a book. I smile. "Okay. I was up all night editing." I tell him. He smiles and I was rest my head on his shoulder.

Closing my eyes and drifting off.

America here we come.


So tell me fellow readers.

Did you miss me!?

Nah. Probably not. Anyway.

Who do you ship?

Sjin and Layla?


Ross and Layla?

Tell me who and leave a ship name!! :)


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