Chapter 16

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Layla P.O.V

The fans cheered as we walked out onto the stage.

The room was dark where the crowd sat and all lights were shinning on the long table we all had to sit at.

I felt my nerves kick in.

"It'll be okay." Sjin comforts me as i sit down. I'm sitting 4 chairs away from Ross. I have Smith, Trott, Martyn and Hannah in between us.

And Sjin on my other side. I'm so glad he doesn't know anything. Sjin isn't to friendly when he's really annoyed.

"Okay then. We're just gonna jump straight in on the questions. Well start with this one, because we always get one of these. 'Lewis. Is SOI going to return?'" Turps read out the question.

Lewis laughed. "We don't know. It might. It might not." He said. Teasing the Fans of what they wanted to know.

And that's pretty much all that kept happening. Till I got asked a few questions.

"This one's for you Layla. 'Do you have a crush on anyone in the Yogscast?'"

I pull a thoughtful face. "Weeeelll-!"

"It's me! She has a crush on me!" Trott yells. Jumping up. The crowd let's out a few cheers. I laugh and face palm. Sjin not looking happy but keeping a smile on his face.

"Yes! Not only that but we have our wedding tomorrow and your all invited!" He yells.

The crowd cheer more.

I get up and walkover to the twat like man and push him down into his seat. "Now be a good boy and sit." I say like a mother would to her misbehaving child.

He looks down pretending to be guilty. "Yes Layla." I giggle and return to my seat. Saying "I don't really think that I do have a crush. Because the crush I have is a little more the just a crush." I say. Starving the fans for their info.

Turps laughs. "Okay. Another one for you. 'Is the-!" He cut himself off. Shaking his head before continuing. "'Is there something going on between Layla and Ross?'"

My felt my heart stop. Please tell me no one saw. Please.

Then Turps read out more. "Because I saw them kissing." He gasped.

I look up at Sjin. But he was glaring at Ross.

"I can't believe you even have the balls to go and kiss my girlfriend!" Sjin yelled. Making the crowd gasp and go silent.

Ross smirked. "What? She kissed back." He lied. Making me step in to defend my self.

"I pushed you away! You forced that kiss upon me when I told you i was happy with Sjin and didn't want to lose him!" I shout.

Making the other Yogs look a little lost.

"Doesn't mean anything! Layla I love you and I can do so much better then he can!" Ross said. Looking down to me and using his hand to caress my cheek.

I slap his hand away. "Get off of me! If you think I'm going to leave Paul for the likes of you then you seriously need to get a grip on things because I will never love you! Ever!"

His face fell. "Layla-!"

"You heard her Ross. Just leave her alone." Sjin growled. Ross glared at him. "This is your fault. If you wouldn't have interfered me and Layla could be happy. I can make her so much more happy then you ever can!"

And that made Sjin snap.

All I could see was Sjin and Ross throwing punches at one a other whilst other Yogs pulled them away from each other.

In a panic I ran off the stage. Why did this have to happen?

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