Chapter eight

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Layla P.O.V
Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

That's my alarm! I open my eyes and take a deep breath. The sun was streaming through my window and lighting up my room. To day was going to be a good day! I got out of bed and went for a shower. Then i got into leggings and shorts. With a navy tee shirt and creeper jumper. While I'm getting dressed i spot my old Diggy, Diggy hole jumper. It's to small for me and James has always wanted it. I grabbed it out the wardrobe and run down stairs. I make some toast and walk to work. While I'm walking Duncan drives by. "Want a lift?" He asked. I smiled "thanks! I'd love one!" I hop into the car and I can't stop smiling. "Your happy today!" He says noticing my overly happy attitude. I nod "well my life is at its best! Why shouldn't I be happy?" He laughs. We pull up at Yogtowers and i practically skip in. And it seems I'm not the only one who's happy! Sjin seems over the moon. I walk into the kitchen and grab some jaffa cakes. Then Simon walks in. "Hey Layla!" He says cheerily. I smile " he Simon!" I look up at the clock. It's nearly ten to two. "Wheres James?  Is he here yet?" I asked. He shook his head. "He wants to get here soon! The live stream is in an hour!" I felt a tad concerned. "We should go wait for him at the entrance!" Simon said. I nodded his happy attitude filling me with happiness. We walked down to the entrance. Nearly every one was there. Lewis, Duncan, Sjin, Hat Films and everyone else. We waited for ten more minutes. Now it was five past two. I'm getting worried now. "Maybe he slept in?" Sjin asked. I looked up at him and squeezed the jumper in my hand. Suddenly my phone went off. I looked at the number. It was no one i know! "Hello?" I answered.
Lewis P.O.V

Layla answered her phone. "Hello?" said. I heard the mumble of the voice on the other side. "Yes this is Miss Layla Hart, daughter of Grace and Glen Hart. Who's asking?" She asked politely. We all watched as her eyes widened in horror. "What!? Are you sure!?" She asked. Sjin shot me a worried glance. Tears filled her eyes and the phone slipped from her hand. It landed on the floor with a clatter. We all looked at her. She was breathing heavily and tears fell down her cheeks. Her knees gave out and she collapsed on the floor. Me and Sjin ran to her. She was sobbing. "Layla! What wrong?!" Sjin asked. She didn't answer, she just sobbed. I looked around at everyone. They looked as confused as i felt. "C c car c c crash!" Layla stuttered. "What?" I asked kindly. She tried to control her tears. "M-my parents......they.... .Their.... .d....dead..!" She whimpered. My eyes widen. "What about James?" I ask. She tears up again. "He's in a-a-a-a coma!" She weeped. Kim walked over and pulled her into a hug. She continued to cry. She hugged the jumper she had been holding close. Sjin put a hand on her shoulder. She sat there for 15 minutes sobbing uncontrollably. With Kim hugging her and everyone else staying quiet. She looked up at me. "Can I go see him?....he's in hospital!" She asked. I nod. "Can you guys come with? Because I can't go alone!" I look around at every one, they nodded. "We can come!" I say. She smiled, very, very weakly. She got up off the ground and walked out the entrance.

I drove us all to the hospital. Layla sat in the back. In between Sjin and Ross. Hannah was in the front. Every one else went in different cars. Once we had got there she literally ran up to the reception. "Hello can I help you?" The receptionist asked kindly. "James Hart? Is he here?"  She asked. The receptionist looked at her over her glasses. "And you are?"

"Layla Hart! His sister!" Layla said getting impatient. The receptionist nods. "Room twenty three! Just down the hall!" She thanked the woman and ran. We followed. She stopped at a room and walked inside.
Layla P.O.V

I walked into James' room. I gasped as I saw his broken and battered body lying there life less. I felt a wave of tears rush over me. I walked over and held his hand. He was as cold as ice. He was link to machines by cables that went in and out of him. I sat on the chair next to him. "I'm so sorry" I whimper "I'm not leaving your side till you wake up! I promise!" I start crying. "I love you James, mum and dad do to but....They can't tell you that anymore...but I will!" I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look up at Ross. He gives me a slight smile. I burst into tears and hug him. I don't think he was expecting it but he hugged me back. I sobbed into his chest. I was going to stick to my word. I wasn't leaving! Weather it killed me! I'm going to to be the first thing James sees when we wakes up!

I think four was a bit of s stretch! So your going to deal with three!! I'll try write more tomorrow but me and my friend have a really big school project to do.....We have to make a model solar system and what the inside of the earth looks like and we have to make a book cover and a crap ton more things! CURSE YOU P4L!
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