Chapter thirteen

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Layla P.O.V

"Layla. Wakey wakey." Sjin shook me gently. I forced open my eyes. "Huh?" I ask drowsily. He smiled at me. "We're landing soon." He says.

I nod and force myself to sit up. I had cramp in my legs from the way i had been sleeping.

"By the way your adorable when you sleep." He added. He lightly punch his arm. "Don't be creepy." I giggle quietly. Making sure not to wake any of the other passengers.

"Ow. I'm sorry but it's true. And now all of Twitter knows it." He chuckles. I narrow my eyes. "Paul Sykes. If you've put a picture of me sleeping on Twitter then i will kill you." I growl.

"It wasn't him." Kim said from behind me. I look back. "Then who?" I ask. She pointed in front of my where 2/3 of Hat Films sat.

Trott and Ross.

"Which one?" I ask. "Both." She tells me. I sigh. "The feckers." I mutter. My accent becoming a bit stronger with my anger.

Both Kim and Sjin laugh.

I get out my phone and quickly check Twitter. And sure enough, on both Ross' and Trott's accounts, was a picture of me curled up to Sjin. My hair falling over my face.

And surprisingly i wasn't doing anything embarrassing like drooling on his arm. I read the caption Trott wrote (because Ross wrote nothing).

@IC_sn0wflakes looks so comfy with @YogscastSjin. I might go join in.

I facepalm. Typical Trott.

I can't help but comment.

@Trottimus try cuddle me and I'll make a handbag out of your blubber. Then sell it and make a business BECAUSE THEIRS SO MUCH BLOODY BLUBBER!!!!

Sjin laughs as he reads over my shoulder. "if that don't offend him nothing will." He says.

Suddenly I got a reply.

@IC_sn0wflakes :( but i thought Fluffy loved hugs.

I hear Trott snicker in front of me so I reach forward and pinch his ear. Making him yelp.

"Ow. Fuck Layla. Why'd you do that?" He asked. "Because you never, ever, piss of a polar bear. You got that Trotty?" I ask.

He laughs and nods. "Alright Fluffy." He laughs. I roll my eyes and settle back in my seat.


Once the plane had landed it was night. Nearly 11 o'clock. So we all just went a got checked into the hotel.

Me and Sjin were sharing a room. Lewis thought if Yogs shared rooms it would be cheaper. So we all happily agreed.

"You look exhausted." Sjin says kissing my fore head. I smile and sit on the edge of the bed. "I am. I didn't really sleep on the plane. I more or less just dozed." I say.

He smiles. "Just go to sleep then. And I'll join you in a bit."

If you haven't guessed. We're sharing a bed. Not something I've ever done before.

"Okay." I say as i grab some pj's and run in the bathroom.

I slip into my leopard print pajama bottom and put on my plain white tee shirt before walking out and slipping under the covers.

I tried to sleep and after a while Sjin got into bed. I moved slip closer to him before curling up. Then i felt him pull my closer and hold me tight. My head resting on his bare chest. His kissed my head. "Night Layla."

I smile. "Goodnight."


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