Chapter 24

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Sjin P.O.V

I drive along the long country road. I gripped the steering wheel as my satnav was making me more frustrated. Leading me down wrong routes and taking me on a never ending road trip.

"Oh you pathetic piece of machinery!" I growl as I pull the satnav from its stand and throw it out the window. Stupid thing was cheap anyway.

I sighed as a large drive appeared. I looked up it and saw the large country house James had been talking about. "Bingo mother trucker." I smile as I turn up and drive to the top.

I send James a quick text and he runs out the house. "Paul! Paul!" I smiles. I get out he care as he hugs me. "Where's Layla?" I ask.

He point to the fields. "She's horse riding with Barney. An old friend of hers." He tells me. I feel jealous at the mention of another man with my girl.

Has she moved on from me already?

"Don't worry. They're not dating. She was pretty heart broken about leaving you." James reassures me. I sigh.

"Can I see her?" I ask. James shrugs. "Maybe later. As I said she's our horse riding. But you can come in. My gran would love to meet you." He tells me. I nod and follow him in.

Layla P.O.V

Me and Barney rode Skyla and Pip towards the river. Pip was grandad's horse.

"So Paul and Ross had a massive fight over you? In front of like 1000 people?" Barney asked. I roll my eyes. "Not 1000! More like 250." I correct him as we reach the small desolate beach.

I slide off Skyla and tie her reins to a large piece of wood that was stuck in the sand.

"That's still a lot. And one ended up in hospital! That's mental." He tells me. I frown. "Yeh. He's home now. My friend Kim told me that." He fake gasped. "You have friends!?" He exclaimed. I laugh and punch his arm lightly.

"I have plenty of friends!" I tell him. He scoffs. "That I don't believe." He says. I narrow my eyes. "Oh Yeh?" I ask as I lurch forward and shove him into the river.

He shouted in shock and gripped my arm, dragging me I with him. The water was pretty deep so I swam up and brown to the surface. Gasping for breath.

"Layla!" Barney laughed as we were both soaked to the bone. I laugh and faced him. "Oops?" I smile as I ran my hand through my hair.

He smile and comes closer. Smirk and splash water in his face. He yelled in surprise and gripped my shoulders. Only then did I notice him leaning in.

"Whoa. Barney stop." I say pushing myself away. He frowns. "What? What's the problem?" He asks. I shake my head and swim to the shore.

"Layla? What's wrong?" He asks.

"You! You trying to kiss me!" I shout. He climbs into the shore. "Is thought that's what you wanted!"

I shake my head. "No! It's not! I don't love you Barney! You just a friend!" I tell him. He looks lost. "Why? You just broke up with this Paul! Why can't you just move on?!"

"Because Barney! We didn't fall out of love! I left him because I loved him! But I didn't want to hurt him!" I shout.

He doesn't respond. He stays quiet. I sigh. "Is think you should go." I tell him as I untie the reins on both horses. Hen shakes his head. "Layla we could make this work. You just need to forget that Paul."

I grit my teeth. "No Barney. I don't love you. So, good bye." Then I climbed up on Skyla and tied Pip to the saddle before riding away. Leaving him alone.


Once i had brushed the horses and gave them their supper i made my way back to the house. I was still dripping wet and shaking from the cold.

The sun had set long ago and the owls were hooting in the trees. I pushed open the large door as walk inside. Closing with a loud THUNK!

I made my way through the corridor to the kitchen where the door was slightly ajar with the warm light of the fire lighting he hallway slightly.

I could hear faint talking from inside.

"Would you like another cake?" My gran asked. "Oh yes please Mrs Hart." A very familiar voice answered. My gran laughed. "Oh please Paul. You can call me Mary."


I was at the door by now and held my breath. Hoping it was a different Paul. I push ope the door and take a step in. "Hey gran. I'm back." I say as I step in. Dripping water onto the polished kitchen floor and trying not to look at the unidentified Paul.

"Layla!? My stars what happened!?" My gran cried. Running over and inspecting my wet clothes. "Oh nothing. I just fell into the river with Barney. But...We had some complications and I don't think I'll be talking to him for some time." I tell her.

She nods. "Ahhh. He did always have a thing for you." She tells me. I groan.

Suddenly someone spoke up. "Hello Layla." I turned from my gran to see the bearded man who had stole my heart when I first started watching him.

"Paul? I... I.." I stuttered. He got up but I bolted out the room and up the stairs. "Layla!!" My gran called. I heard running foot steps behind me.

I reached the top of stairs and ran into my room. Closing the door and sitting with my back on it not to let my chaser come in.

"Layla?" Sjin's voice is muffled by my door. "Layla please. Let me in." He begs. "No! I left you with out saying good bye. How can you even come after? After I dome that to you and all the other Yogs?" I ask. Tears threatening to fall.

"Maybe it's because I love you." He tells me. A single tear falls. Trailing onto the floor. I being my knees up and cry into the crook.

How? How could he still love me?

I just got up and left him in America.

"Layla please. I love you. Let me in." Sjin begged once again. I sigh and wipe my eyes. Standing up and opening the door.

Sjin smiled as he saw me. I sniffed and wiped my eyes again. "I'm sorry." I whisper, looking down. He uses his finger to lift up my head. Before planting a soft kiss on my lips.

"I love you Layla. And you can run as far as you want but no matter what. I will always find you."

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