Chapter fourteen

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Layla P.O.V

Today was the day of the first signing. And the convention was huge.

"Okay. We have two hours to do what ever till we have to come back." Lewis told us as he read out the schedule.

"Alright everyone. We'll meet back here in two hours." He says before turning to Hannah.

Sjin kissed my cheek. "I'm going with Lewis and Duncan. Are you go a go with the Hats?" He asked. I look over at Alex, Chris and Ross. Chris waves at me to come over.

I nod. "Yeah I'm gonna go with them. See you in two hours?" I smile. He chuckles and pecks my lips.

"See you in two hours." He says before going to Lewis and Duncan. I smile and skip over to the Hat lads.

"Hey Layla. You looking forward to today?" Alex asks. I nod. "Definitely. I can't wait to meet some of the Yognau(gh)ts." I tell them.

Ross smiles. "Be careful though. Some can be really weird." He tells me. I giggle. "Oh come on. No one can be weirder then you." I say patting his cheek.

He laughs. "Anyway. Let's go have a look around." He says. I nod and we begin to wall in the direction of the stalls.


Ross is still acting a bit nervous around me. Sure he talks to and laughs with me but he's acting different. And don't know why.

Did I do something wrong?

Whilst Alex and Chris were messing about with a game I pulled Ross over to talk to him.

"What Is it Layla?" He asks. I can hear the bitterness in his voice. I shake it off. "What's up with you? You keep acting differently around me." I tell him.

He freezes. "Well. I've just not been feeling right these past few weeks." He tells me.

I tilt my head. "That's it? You promise? You know you can tell me anything." I say. Hoping he might come out of his shell a little more.

He sighs. Not a tired sigh. More of a 'I just want to get this over with' kinda sigh.

"Alright fine. You wanna know the truth?" He asks. Sounding bout annoyed and worried.

I nod. "Yes Ross. I don't like seeing you like this." I tell him.

He takes a deep breath and puts his hands on my shoulders. "I like you Layla. Actually, fuck that, I love you Layla. Unlike I've ever loved anyone before."

My jaw drops but i instantly shut it. "Like me? But Ross i.... I'm with Sjin....and we...i..." I couldn't finish my sentence. I couldn't find the words.

I wasn't expecting that!

He sighs. "I know your with Sjin. That's what makes it more difficult. Seeing that everyday your with him. And i want that to be me. Making you laugh and smile. Kissing your lips with out a worry in the world. Just knowing that you'd love me back."

I look at Ross in shock. "I didn't know you felt that way, about me. I'm so sorry. But I love Paul and i don't want that to end." I say. He sighs. "It's not your fault. Maybe I should have told you before hand."

I look over at Alex and Chris. Their still messing about with games but sometimes move the odd glance over here.

"We should probably go join them." I mumble. Starting to walk that way. "Layla wait." Ross says. Grabbing my arm and pulling me back.

"Ross what are you- Mfph!" Before I could get the last words out of my mouth he pressed him lips against mine.

I pushed him away. "Ross. No!" I say. Pulling myself away from him. "How many times do I have to tell you that I'm with Sjin!" I yell before walking away.

Not towards anyone in particular. Just away from him.


i managed to find Duncan and Kim together near a stand of little Minecraft figurines. I didn't tell them why I wasn't with he hats. Because REASONS!!!!

But I told them I got a little lost and saw them here.

"Ah well. I'll just message Trott and let him and get other two know your safe." Duncan says pulling out his phone.

Then i join Kim with looking at all the adorable little Minecraft figures.

After another hours we all re grouped and got ready for the signing. Alex and Chris asked why i disappeared. So i told them what in told Duncan and Kim.

But i didn't go to see Ross. Honestly i was.was scared he night kiss me again. Or even go further.

And knowing his strength i wouldn't stand a chance.

I stand next to Sjin. He's been talking about maybe telling the fans about our relationship. But I'm a little worried. A lot of them don't really except me. And if some found out i made Sjin no longer single God knows what they might do.

"You'll be fine." He tells me. Kissing my fore head. I smile. "Thanks. And if you really want to tell them. We always have the Q&A session." I say.

He nods.

"Alright everyone. The fans are ready and kits time to role." Lewis said. I smile.

I just hope Ross doesn't make a scene. He doesn't look to happy.


Sooooooooo tell me what you feel should happen. I want something to happen at the signing.



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