Chapter ten

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Layla P.O.V

I awoke on my sofa. With Ross asleep next to me. I smiled as I remembered last night. Me and him had made a ton of popcorn and sat and watched Finding Nemo. I yawned and tried to get up. Only then did I realise that Ross had me in an embrace. And the only way to get away was to wake him. I tried to pry him off but his grip only got tighter. I giggled and shook him. "Ross! Lemme go!" I say. He groans and his grip losens. I pull myself away slowly and let him sleep on. I walked into the kitchen and flicked the kettle on. I washed the cups from last night and made two cups of tea. I walked back into the living room with both cups in my hands. As I set them down on the table I hear Ross sit up. "How did I get here?" He asked. I laugh and told him about last night. "You seem a lot more happy" he tells me as he get up. I nod and pass him his cup. "I just needed a friend! And I'm glad that it was you" I say smiling. He smiled "that reminds me! Nilsey is coming to visit since Minecon is in less then two weeks." I know who Nilsey is but I've never met him. "When's he getting here?" I ask. "Today actually. He coming down from up north." Ross says sipping at his tea. I smile "well I want to meet him! I've been watching his videos for ages!" I chirp happily.

After I had gotten dressed me and Ross went to his house so he could get ready. I never knew that Hat Films shared a house. "Hey layla!" Chris smiled as me and Ross went through the door. "Hey Trott! Where's Smiffy?" I ask as I walk with him into the kitchen. "Just getting ready, he'll be out in a minute." He explains. I nod. "Nilsey is coming to visit" I say. He nods and Smiffy walks in. "Good day Layla!" He says unoriginally. "Good day kind sir!" I say in my best British accent. He rolls his eyes and laughs. "You really suck at a British accent." He tells me. I shrug "well I am Irish what do you expect?" He laughs and Ross walks in in fresh clothes. He smiled at me. "You ready? I just got a message from Lewis saying that Nilsey is about ten minutes away!" I nod. We go in Chris' car. Me and Ross in the back, Chris driving and Alex in the passenger seat. When we arrived I was a little excited. I had never met Nilsey. And I really wanted to. As soon as the car stopped i jumped out and ran to the door. I pressed the buzzer a million times. "Whoa! Calm down! Who is this?" Turps answered. "It me! Layla! Open the door!" I jump about. "Layla?" He seemed confused but the door clicked and I opened it and ran in. But me being me I'm very over excited and run to fast and trip up. I land in front of Martyn and Turps. "I'm surprised you showed up!" Turps said smiling. I stick my tongue out and get up. "No point on dwelling in the past!" I say cheerily. "Why are you here today?" Martyn asked me. "I heard Nilsey was coming for Minecon! And I wanted to meet him" I say smiling. Turps looked at his wrist watch. "He should be here any minute now" he tells me. Then Ross, Alex and Chris come in. "You run fast for such a small person!" Chris laughed. I look offended. "That's mean!" I say before running down the corridor and into their office. I wasn't really offended I just wanted to run about and be strange. I hid in Chris' corner and waited for them to come in. They did. About 5 minutes later. "Layla! Nilsey is here!" I hear Alex say. I don't move. "Are you sure she's in here?" Chris asked. I jump up "yeah I'm in here!" I yell at them. They all jump. I frown "I'm not that scary am I?" I ask looking sad. They all of a sudden look really guilty. I smile. "Come on guys! I thought you three could take a joke!" Their facial expressions don't change. I walk over to them. "You three okay?" Ross looked at me and smiled evilly. Oh shit. Suddenly he lunges at me and slings me over his shoulder. I squeal and squirm about in his grip. "ROSS HORNBY LET ME GO THIS INSTANT!!!" I scream. Chris and Alex laugh as he carries me out the room. I kick out losing one of my shoes. "Ross!!!!" I tell him sternly. He sighs and put me on my feet. Then I realised that I'm in the common room. I glare at Ross. He just smiles. "Layla?!" A thick Scottish accent asked. Wait! I'd know that accent from any where. I turn round and face....Liam! "Liam....!" I squeak. I looked at the tall Scotts man in front of me. His hair the same raven black as it was years ago. His glasses sat perfectly on his nose. "Layla!" He said again this time more excited. "Liam!!" I squeal as I run and town my arms around him. He laughs and hugs me back. "So you two know each other?" Lewis asked. I break away and nod, jumping up and down in excitement. "Me and Liam met years ago in Glasgow. I was on a day out with my grandparents who live there and we bumped into each other. We talked and became friends, he told me about his YouTube channel and I told him about mine!" I turn to Liam "but I never knew that you were the YOGSCAST Nilsey!" He smiled proudly. "Well I never knew you became apart of the Yogscast!" I laugh. "I've only just joined!" I nearly yell. All of a sudden Simon sweeps me up in a hug. "Simon! Put me down!" I laugh. He put me down and frowns playfully. "But Fluffy! You said that you liked hugs!" I giggle and punch him playfully. "But I would like a warning before you lift me up ten feet of the ground!" He laughs. I smile at Liam....or Nilsey? "What do I call you? They all call you Nilsey and I know you ad Liam!" I asked. He smiles "just call me Nilsey! It's a lot easier." I smile and hug him again. It's been to long since we last saw each other.

After about an hour of catching up Simon said we should hold a party for no reason. Of course everyone agreed. So he, Lewis, Duncan and Hat Films went out to get things for the party and me and Nilsey got more time to talk. I took him to my office and what I saw inside was mental! I had soo much fan mail!! I had had a ton of parcels and letters around my room. "Holy fuck a duck!" I exclaimed as I saw them all. "Some ones popular!" Nilsey joked. I rolled my eyes. "Look at all these!" I noticed a little snowflake symbol on all of my fan mail. It was like what Martyn had. He had a green sapling swirl and I have a snowflake! "Guys we're back!!" We heard Duncan yell down the corridor. Thank god no one was recording at the moment or Lewis would have killed him. Me and Nilsey leave my room and head back to the common room where their setting everything up. I knew from my last party that I would have to be careful. know! I held my wrist in my hand remembering the last party. "You okay?" Nilsey asked me. I nod and nd tell him about my last party. "Sounds like ya had a tough time!" He said drinking some beer. I nod and sip at my lemonade. "Then all this stuff happened with my family and brother...." I sigh. He puts down his beer and pulls me into a hug. I can't help but hug him back.

Okay so by now most of the Yogs are pissed off their heads. Nothing new. Even Hannah and Kim got drunk. I've had a few vodka and cokes but nothing more and i already feel tipsy. So I guess I'm a little bit drunk. "Let's play spin the bottle!!" Kim yells to the room. I giggled as everyone sat in a circle. "You coming Layla?" Hannah asked patting the spot next to her. I shake my head "I'll sit this one out." I say. "Oh no you don't!" Duncan said taking another swig of his drink. "It's a Yogscast tradition" Lewis finished. I sighed and gave in, walking over and taking a seat in the middle of Hannah and Sips. We played for about 5 minutes before the bottle landed on me. I look up at who had spun it. Martyn. He smiled at me and leaned in. His lips were soft but the kiss ended quickly. I was glad of that. Then it was my turn. I spun the bottle and it landed on.....oh god... Sjin! My heart fluttered and I stopped myself from blushing. He turned away for a second and I swear he was blushing. I smiled at him and we leaned in.  He gave me a quick smooch but that was it. We played for about another 45 minutes. I think i may have kissed just about everyone. Exept Lia-! Nilsey! Nilsey spun the bottle it spun for what felt like forever. Then it landed on me. He smiled at me with a big beaming smile. I giggle. "Come on Layla! It not like you've not kissed me before!" He says sounding very drunk. I hols up my hands. "You were off your face that night and your the one who kissed me!" I say feeling a bit dizzy. I look over at Sjin. He looks a bit jealous. Strange. I roll my eyes and give him a peck on the lips. After that we stopped playing and just had a laugh. I sat in the corner with another coke and vodka. My head was spinning. I had never been drunk before but it was a funny experience. "You okay?" Sjin asked me sitting next to me. I nod and sigh "my brain hurts." He chuckles. "That's the alcohol!" I giggle. "It will be worse in the morning!" We say in unison. We laugh. I turn to fave him and I meet his shining eyes. I feel my cheeks burn up. He smiles and places his hand on my knee. The butterflies in my stomach go crazy. I look away and my hair falls over my face, luckily hiding my blush. I feel his hand brush my hair out if my face. He puts his hand to my chin and makes me face him. He smiles and looks into my eyes. "Layla...." he whispers, his voice sounding smooth and sexy. I look deep into his eyes and he leans in. His lips make contact with mine. My eyes slowly slip shut and I kiss him back. His lips mould perfectly with mine. His hand moves from my knee to my waist, pulling me closer and kissing with more passion. I melted into his touch. I didn't want this to end. It was to.....perfect!
Hey! Just wanted to say that this fanfic like my other one will be slow on updates. School life is a bitch life!! But when I do get the chance I will update! And please check out my other fanfics! I need some advise on them!

The Yog I love (yogscast/hat films)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant