Chapter seven

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Okay! I'm setting myself a challenge! I'm going to write four chapters today! I've already written one and this is my second! Let's see how this rolls!!
Layla P.O.V

I opened my eyes groggily. My wrist was in pain and i forced myself out of bed. I looked over at my phone. It was.....TEN PAST TWELVE!!! I screamed and ran to get dressed. "Fuck! I'm late!" I flicked a brush through my hair and pulled on my purple jumper. I had on some really skinny jeans and a Sips°Co tee shirt. My light blue converse and I was ready. I grabbed an apple and ran out the door. Locking it as i go. I run to the bus stop and get there just in time. I pay the fee and hop into a seat. As soon as the bus stopped I thank the driver and ran. After about five minutes of running a ran into Yogtowers. I ran in and bumped strait into Ross. Knocking us both down. We land face to face. He blushed slightly. "Err...sorry?" I felt my cheeks burn and I got off him and stood up. I put out my hand and helped him up. "Sorry that was my fault!" I say still blushing. He laughed. "It's fine! Why are you late?" He asked. I laughed nervously "I over slept!"

"is that so?" Lewis asked from behind. I spun on my heal. I hung my head. "Sorry Lewis....I guess I got caught up last night!" I heard him chuckle. "It's fine! You literally just woke up from a weeks sleep! How can you be tired!?" He asked sarcastically. I stuck my tongue out at him. Then he walked away. I turned to Ross and apologised again. "It's fine!" He paused "hey do you want to get coffee or lunch sometime?" He asked. I nod "that would be nice! I do need to get to know every one a little better!" He smiled. Suddenly I'm sweeped off my feet. By......guess who...Simon! "Simon! Stop doing that! And be careful of my wrist!" I yell giggling. Simon laughed and put me back on my feet. "But your so small!! And so adorable!!" He cooed. I rolled my eyes. "Leave me be! I may be small but I pack a punch!" I ball my hands into fists. This only made him laugh more. "Oh great! You set him off!" Ross said. I look at the laughing mess known as Simon. Ross grabs my hand and pulled me away. I laughed. He pulls me into Hat Films' office. "What are you doing?" I ask curiously. "I need help with editing!" He answered. "And I had to get away from Simon!" I giggled. "Okay! Why do you need help?" I asked. "Alex and Chris our preparing for Yogtours!" He replies sitting me in a chair. "Where to?"

"Las Vegas! Mine con is in a month and a bit!" I gasp. He gives me a confused look. "You didn't know?" He asked. I shook my head. He shrugged "every one is going! So I'm guessing you are to!" I didn't know if I was going or not. So for the next two hours me and Ross laughed and joked about nearly everything while editing. We edited out a section when Alex spoke about tree. "Boring alarm!" We said in unison. We glanced at each other and burst out laughing. Then Sjin came in and saw us laughing. He smiled "you two are laughing a lot!" He said. I looked up "no shit sherlock!" I giggled. He rolled his eyes "there's some people here to see you" he tells me. I get out of my seat. Me being me I had forgotten about my family coming to visit. Sjin lead me down stairs and to the entrance. Ross came along as well. As soon as i walked into the room my eyes set on an 11 year old boy with brown hair and blue eyes. "LAYLA!" He yelled excitedly as he ran towards me. "James!" I cried as I embraced my brother. I hugged him tight. I looked up at my parent's. James pulled away and looked up at Sjin and Ross. I walked over and hugged my mum. Then my dad. I turned to see James starring at Sjin and Ross. I giggled "James! This is Sjin and Ross!" I say smiling. He nods but stays quiet. I give him slight shove "just say hi!" I tell him. James raises his hand, waves and say a little "hi!" Ross laughs "your a shy one!" I walk over and push him. "Be nice! that's my little brother!" He raises his hands. "I was kidding!" He says. I raise an eyebrow. "Yeah! Yeah!" I turn back to my brother. "Hey James! Guess what!" He looked at me. "What?" I smile. "You know how Hat Films are your favourite out out if the Yogscast?" He nods. I was about to speak when Ross lifted me up by the waist saying "well your sister here is the newest member!" James gasped. "Your kidding! Oh my god Layla!" That's the James I know and love! I laughed "Ross put me down!!" He rolled his eyes and put me on my feet. I sighed "why does everyone pick me up? I feel bad for Kim!" Sjin laughs. I face my parents "I have a lot of work to do here today!" I tell them. My mother nods "we have to check into our hotel so we'll leave you be! Come along James!" She called. My brother looked a bit disheartened. "If he wants he can stay here!" I say quickly. "Lewis won't mind!" I finish. James looks at our parent's with hopeful eyes. I walk up behind him and put my hands on his shoulder. "Pleeaaase?!" We sing in unison. My dad chuckled "just like old times! Yeah James can stay!"

The Yog I love (yogscast/hat films)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora