Chapter 25

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**two weeks later**
Layla P.O.V

I had moved back down to Bristol and moved in with Sjin. But James wanted to stay up with Gran and Grandad. He said Edward wasn't very nice. I didn't really understand. But I didn't ask.

Once i said my goodbyes and got my final few boxes of belongings, me and Sjin set off back to Bristol.

"I'm gonna miss them." Sjin tells me. I laugh. "You hardly knew them." I tell him. He smiles. "I know. But they still feel like family. Especially your Gran. Very good cook." He says.

I giggle. "Best cook I know."

The car journey took a good few hours. Me and Sjin laughing for the most of it. But when we finally arrived i was definitely happy. No more tiring car journeys.

Sjin helped me move at my boxes inside. I only had 4 or 5. As I placed the final one on the floor I felt Sjin wrap his arms around my waist.

"All done?" He asks. I nod and turn to face him. Wrapping my arms around his neck. "All done." I smile. He pecks my lips.

"We should head to Yogtowers. It's Ross' first day back." He tells me. I feel my heart sink and the blood drain from my face.

"Oh. Okay." I mumble. Looking down and pulling myself from the hug. "Hey. It's not your fault. He kissed you. It's his fault. You have nothing to worry about. Okay?" He asks. I nod slowly.

He kisses my head softly. "Come on. You'll be fine. I'll protect you." He tells me. I smile and nod. Then we get changed and head out to the office.

I'll admit, I was scared. I didn't want to face Ross. But I had Sjin with me. I'd be absolutely fine, right?

"You okay?" Sjin asked as we walked out the lift. I nod. Feeling myself begin to shake. He stopped me and gave me a kiss. "I won't let him hurt you. And he won't anyway. Honestly he's been dying to see you."

I nod. "Okay. I'm ready." I tell him. He smiles and opens the common room door. I walk in behind him with a smile. Sorta reminds me of my first day.

"FLUFFY!" Simon yelled as he scooped me up in a huge hug. Yep. Definitely like my first day.

I got hugs from every yog. Except one. Ross.

"Where's Ross?" I ask after getting a hug from Duncan. "I'm here." I hear his voice. I turned to the door and gasped.

There was Ross, covered in bruises, wearing a neck brace and... sat in a wheelchair.

"Ross." I say in shock. He looks down slightly. "Yeh." He mutters. I look at Sjin in pure shock. How could be do this to him. How could he of all people put Ross in a wheelchair.

Sjin looks down ashamed. I sigh shakily. "I'm so sorry Ross. This is all my fault." I say. He looks up and rolls over to me. Stopping before me and raking my hand. "It's not your fault. It's mine. I should never have kissed you. I should have controlled my feelings. I'm the one who's sorry."

I smile and hug him gently. Hearing Sjin mutter 'you should be sorry.' And Ross heard. "At least I've apologised." He growled. "You've still not said a proper sorry for putting me in this fucking wheelchair!"

Then the happy, peaceful, friendly reunion ended. And I began to feel dizzy.

Sjin retaliated almost straight away. "It's not like you didn't deserve it since you tried to get into my girlfriends pants!" He yelled. "Paul!" I warned.

"No Layla! He can't get away with it!" He yelled at me. And I thought it was going so well.

"Sjin don't have a go at her! For Christ's sake it's not her fault!" Ross fought my side. Moving in front of me.

"You get away from her!" Sjin yelled. Grabbing at my arm. But I pulled away from him. "Sjin stop. I feel sick and I have a head ache." I say. Stumbling a little on my feet.

"Layla your not 5!" Sjin said. This wasn't him. This was his anger talking. I shake my head. Stumbling more.

"Just leave her be!" Ross said. Sjin growled and yelled something. But all I heard was muffled yells as I fell and hit my head off the floor. Making everything fade.

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