Chapter 19

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Layla P.O.V

Me and Sjin didn't get a wink of sleep that night.

And no. Not because of that.

Because we were watching all the videos of Sjin's and Ross' fight. Honestly I felt like I was gonna throw up.

"I'm so sorry Layla." Sjin apologised as I watched the clock tick to 03:27. I sigh and look over to him. Seeing that the colour of his face almost matched the pale bed sheets.

"Paul.... I'm not gonna say it's not your fault, but it's mine to. If I had jut told you maybe you could have warned him instead of beating him. I should have thought before, but I didn't." I whisper. Tears cascading down my cheeks.

Sjin pulled me into a hug and wiped away my tears. "None if this is your fault. Your the victim I'm this." He tells me. I shake my head. "No I'm not. I play a big a part as you do. Ross us right now in hospital and could have some serious brain damage." I point out.

Making him go paler.

I frown and kiss his cheek. "Sorry. I didn't mean to bring that up. It's just that I'm worried for you. This could get you arrested for public violence. Or worse attemptive murder!" I tell him.

My own heart beginning to race as thoughts of Ross being in hospital and Sjin being behind bars made me feel dizzy.

"Sjin I can't lose you. And some of those comments towards you worry me. People threatened to come kill you or get you arrested. I don't want that happening." I mumble as he holds me tighter.

"They weren't just aimed at me. Ross got a lot more hate then I did. Luckily you didn't get so much. The odd one calling you and attention seeker or a slit but that's not so bad. Ross got called a man whore, a rapist, people were saying things like what if he tried to rape you and then they started saying he might try murder me for you." His voice started to tremble.

I couldn't tell whether it was with fear or anger but honestly I didn't want to know.

He sighs. "Come on. Maybe we should sleep. You've had a rough night." He says calmly.

"Sleep? There's no way I can sleep. Not knowing that Ross could get brain damage and that people are threatening to kill you and Ross. And I...."

I was blabbering now. My nerves kicking in and making the situation worse for me. I stood up and began to pace. Sometimes I can be pretty cool in a situation but not this time. Oh hell no.

"You know what. I should probably just leave the Yogscast. It would be better for everyone if I just left. You and Ross could get on with each other again. The hate comments would stop and mayb - mph!" I was cut off by Sjin pressing his lips against mine and pinning me against the wall.

"Don't talk like that. The hate comments will never stop and if you left the Yogscast all the fans would be heart broken. I would be heart broken. You can't just leave me." He says. Tears forming in his eyes.

I frown. "I..I'm sorry Sjin. I can't stay. Now please. Just go to sleep." I say as I walk towards the door. Picking up my phone. "Layla please! Don't leave me! I love you." He cries. Tears streaming down his cheeks.

I swallow the lump in my throat. It hurt to do this. "I'll join you soon Paul. Just rest please. You need it. I just need to make a few phone calls." I say as I open th door and wall out. Knowing that if I got another sentence out of him I'd probably collapse.

I closed the door and heard Sjin's sobs on the over side of the door. This caused me to break down. I slid done the door till I was sitting with my knees hugged to my chest.

I dialed my Grans number into my phone.

It rang twice before she answered. "Hello? Layla? Are you aware of that time it is?" She asks. "Yes." I choke out.

I hear her gasp at the sound of my voice. "Oh Layla what's wrong?" She asks.

I break down once again. Where to begin.....

The Yog I love (yogscast/hat films)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя