Chapter three

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Layla P.O.V

After we went for lunch Lewis told me that he had a surprise planned. So once again I was blindfolded and on my way to Lewis' little surprise. Once we got there Sjin led me by the hand and took me inside. I heard the familiar sounds of metal against ice. "Why on earth did you bring me ice skating?" I asked, my vision still blocked. "Hey! How did you know?" Sjin said as he pulled of my blindfold. I rolled my eyes. "When you ice skate you need to be aware of your surroundings! That means you listen to every detail" I tell him. Lewis laughs. "Well we should go and get our skates!" I nodded. We queued up and waited our turn. When we got to the desk i spotted my friend who was handing out skates. I practically ran past Lewis and said "Hi Imogen!" I chirped. The 24 year old with blond hair beamed at me. "Hey Lala! What brings you here?" She asked. I roll my eyes at my silly nickname. "Well Immi! I'm here with my new work mates!" She nodded. "You mean the Yogscast?" I nod. She smiled. "Lala huh?" I turned to face Sjin. He smiled at me. I turned away from Sjin and looked at Imogen. "Do you have your membership card?" She asked me. I shake my head. "No sorry! I didn't bring it today!" She smiled. "Don't worry I've got you covered!" I sighed and she gave me a pair of skates. They were my own skates but i was aloud to keep them here because I'm friends with the manager. She waited for the rest of the Yogs to get they're skates. "How come your skates are different to ours?" Hanney asked me. I looked at her bulky blue skates in comparison to my small white ones. "Oh! These skates are my own from home! I keep them here because I come a few times a month!" I tell her. I nods "that makes sense!" I giggle and put on my skates. I walk over to the ice rink and step on. Lewis and Duncan get on shakily and nearly fall over. Holding on to the side for support! I laugh and skate of, speeding round the ice. I watched as all the yogs got on the ice and giggled as they skated about. Or at least tried. I skated over to Sjin who was getting up off the ice after he fell over for the fifth time. I laughed and put out my hand. "Are you okay?" I ask between giggles. "Yeah. I'm just not as good as you at ice skating!" He takes my hand and i help him up. He smiles. "Thanks!" I nod. "Would you like some help?" I ask him. He nodded. I take his hand and pull him away from the side. He gives me a fearfully look. "Don't worry! You'll do better away from the side!" I tell him. He relaxes a bit and I lead him round the ice. Every now and then he would trip but stay standing. I laughed as he squeaked every time. Soon he was skating fine he still tripped but managed to stay on two feet. I continued to lead him round the ice, my hand in his. Suddenly he tripped and fell. Pulling my down with him. I landed on his chest staring into his eyes. I blush and hurriedly get off him. "Hehe!" I laugh nervously. He smiles and gets up. "Sorry about that! I'm very clumsy!" He says. I nod "yeah just a little bit!" He laughs. I glance at the clock and then at the others. We had been here three hours already and the rest of the Yogscast were sitting drinking a coffee. "C'mon we should go and meet up with them." I say as I skate in circles and spin around. He nods and i help him skate to the edge. We meet up with the others and grab a coffee. "You skate even better in person!" Simon said. I laugh. "Thanks!" I say as a sip at my hot chocolate. "How long have you been skating for?" Duncan asked. I thought for a moment. "About 17 years now I think!" They all stared at me. I giggled. "What? I love to skate! I used to skate every month before i started my channel up. At first I only done gaming but my friend Imogen made me upload a few vids of my ice skating to my channel and i hit two thousand subcribers in half a month!" They listend as i told them about my channel. Soon we finished our drinks and went back to yogtowers. Again i was in with Sjin. We drove in silence. I didn't want to be the one to break it. We pulled up outside and got out. It was still raining but we got inside. I Wales to my office and sat in my chair. My room looked so bare, I couldn't wait to fill it with things. I began to edit my video from earlier. Suddenly my vision was cut off....again! "Who is it this time?" I ask as I try to pull the hands that are covering my eyes away. I hear Duncan's cheery laugh. "Duncan! Can I please see again or am I going to be blind forever?" He chucked and removed his hands. I sighed as my eyes adjusted to the light. "Okay what do you want?" I ask him spinning in my chair to face him. He smiled. "You need to come with me!" I raise and eyebrow. "But I still need to edit my video!" I pull a pouty face. He chucked. "C'mon!" I turn away. "No!" I say like a child.


"Make me!" I challenge. Suddenly I'm thrown over his shoulder at taken out the room. I squeal and kick my legs. He laughs. So i give up and let myself get carried. Unfortunately I'm quite small, I'm bigger then Kim but only a little. So i can't really fight back. Duncan carries me to the Common room. Finally he put me down. I scowle at him and pull another pouty face. He opened the door and i walked inside. In the room was filled with every one from yogtowers. "What's thi-! Whoa!!" I was again sweeped off my feet by Simon. He really like hugs. When he finally put me down i looked at Lewis. "What's this?" I ask. "We decided to throw a party!" I laughed. "What for?" Kim walked over in her mandrew onsie. "For our newest member!" She says. I smile. They're throwing a party ,for me! "You didn't have to!" I tell them. "Well we never turn down a party!" Simon cheered. I giggle. Suddenly Sjin throws a bag in my hands. "And this is?"

"Go put it on and find out!" He tells me. I run out the room and to the toilet. I pulled the onsie out the bag. I nearly die laughing. It's a polar bear onsie! I get changed and look at myself. Its bright white and sparkly. And really fluffy! I skipped back to the common room and smiled. I put up my hood with ears and say "my name is fluffy! And i love hugs!" Simon does his usual "AWWWW!!" And a few laughs went around the room. I smiled and said "this is awesome!! I love polar bears!!" I jump up and down excitedly. Duncan walks over and passes me a glass of wine. I shake me head. "Sorry I don't drink!" He shrugs and takes it back. I walk over to Kim and say "how did you guys know that I love polar bears?" She shrugged. "I don't know, Sjin is the one who bought it!" I picked up a jaffa cake and took a bite. "Okay? How did he know?" She shrugged again. I laughed "I'll go ask him!" I looked around for Sjin. I saw him with Duncan and Sips. I walked over and tapped his shoulder. He turned and faced me. "Oh hey layla! You ok?" I nod. "How did you know that polar bears are my absolute favourite animals?" I smiles. "I've done my research!" I raise an eyebrow. "What does that mean?" He rolled his eyes. "Your 5'000 subcriber special, you told had a Q&A video. Someone asked you what your favourite animals was!" I face palmed. "Duh!"i say. He laughs. Then I'm dragged away by Simon. "Simon! What are you doing?!" I ask. He laughs, "you need to eat jaffa cakes!" I roll my eyes. "Is that it?" He nods and I burst out laughing.

A few hours later most of the Yogs are passed out or drunk. The only ones who aren't are me, Kim and Hannah. All me and Kim drank was coke and lemonade. Hannah had two glasses of wine but nothing more. "Why don't you drink?" Kim asked me. "I don't really like the taste of alcohol, so I don't drink at all" i tell her. She smiles. We keep talking for about ten minutes. By then it's about ten past three. Suddenly I feel two hands on my hips. I look behind me and see Duncan, or should I say Drunkan! He smiles at me. I laughed nervously and pulled away. "Duncan! Don't hit on the new girl!" Hannah growled. He shrugged and walked away. "I'm going to my office!" I say before I run out. I run to my office, run in and shut the door. I sit in my chair and put my hood up. I'm exhausted! My eyes feel heavy and I begin to doze off. Soon I'm fast asleep.

The Yog I love (yogscast/hat films)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz